Are you retired or have left service? There’s no need to close your Harp and Crown Credit Union account!
Welcome back! Not only did we OPEN 52% more Harp and Crown CU accounts this financial year (Oct ‘22 - Sept ‘23) compared to last year…
Nigel, our Senior Loans and Member Services Officer had this to say on the matter:
Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?
Did you know as a Police Officer…if you joined before April 2016…you were contracted out of the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme?
An absolute pleasure to present to the Northern Ireland Retired Police Officers Association (NIRPOA) North West Branch in Coleraine today.
Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?
Are you planning on retiring or leaving service soon? Or have done so already?
Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?