Harp and Crown Credit Union donate £1,000 to the Irish League of Credit Unions International Development Foundation.
It’s World Smile Day and the theme of the day is “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.”
Happy International Credit Union Day from the Harp and Crown Credit Union team!
“Debt can happen to anyone.” We’re helping raise awareness of debt this week. “Prevention is better than cure”, especially when it comes to debt.
Last week Harp and Crown Credit Union hosted their annual strategy and staff development day.
Whether you are an existing borrower or have never taken out a loan at Harp and Crown Credit Union…
Thanks to Harp & Crown Credit Union members Andrea and Jim for this fantastic feedback!
Thanks to Harp & Crown Credit Union member Margaret for this fantastic feedback!
We appreciate that not everyone can or wants to access our services ONLINE or follow us on social media.