

Fantastic day speaking with our wider Police Family and members at the Superintendents’ Association of Northern Ireland (SANI) Conference today.


Volunteers Week

As we nearly come to an end of Volunteers’ Week, we just wanted to convey a HUGE thank you to our Board of Directors and business committee volunteers!

Volunteers Week

Credit Union 5 Reasons

Why join a credit union?

Credit Union 5 Reasons

PSNI Cricket Sponsorship

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm they are the Principal Sponsor of the PSNI Cricket Club in 2023.

PSNI Cricket Sponsorship

K9SARNI Donation

It is with great pleasure the Harp and Crown Credit Union are announcing support of the fantastic local charity K9 Search and Rescue Northern Ireland.

K9SARNI Donation

Testimonial Tuesday Donna

Donna was one of our “64% increase in new members” signing up with the Harp and Crown CU this financial year!

Testimonial Tuesday Donna

CU Common Bond

What is a CREDIT UNION?  And who exactly is our COMMON BOND?

CU Common Bond

CU Vs Bank

Apart from ONE great reason alone…the increase in Bank of England rates…and our lower interest rates remaining the same…here's why you should visit your credit union FIRST before approaching a bank for a loan.

CU Vs Bank

Golf Competition

THANK YOU to everyone involved in our 25th Anniversary Golf Competition!

Golf Competition Photos

Some photos from our 25th Anniversary Golf Competition held in August 2023 at Portadown Golf Club....

Golf Competition Photos

Beyond the Battlefield donation

As the Harp and Crown Credit Union celebrates its 25th Anniversary year, we are delighted to announce our support of several local charities.  One of which provides a very important service to the police family in Northern Ireland.

Beyond the Battlefield donation

Action Cancer Donation

As the Harp and Crown Credit Union celebrates its 25th Anniversary year, we are delighted to announce our support of several local charities. 

Action Cancer Donation

Police Widows Donation

In celebration of their 25th Anniversary year, the Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to announce several charitable donations.  One of which is very close to the heart of the wider police family in Northern Ireland.

Police Widows Donation

its world mental health day

The theme for 2023, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is “Mental health is a universal human right”.

its world mental health day

cu vs bank blog

Credit Unions are VERY on topic at the moment with the departure of several major banks in Ireland, and credit unions coming to the fore in excellence.

cu vs bank blog

benevolent fund donation

Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to announce a total of £1,500 was raised for the Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross – Police Service of Northern Ireland Benevolent Fund, through their 25th Anniversary Charity Dinner raffle.

benevolent fund donation

twice as many returning

Welcome back!  Not only did we OPEN 52% more Harp and Crown CU accounts this financial year (Oct ‘22 - Sept ‘23) compared to last year…

twice as many returning

family who can join

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can also join?

family who can join

testimonial tuesday family

A warm welcome awaits you at the Harp & Crown CU!

testimonial tuesday family

member benefits over 70

“I’m over 70, what are the BENEFITS of staying a member?”

member benefits over 70

junior accounts avail today

Need something to do with the kids/grandkids this very wet Mid term break?

junior accounts avail today

finding a yes for you

Come to us FIRST…we’ll always try and find a way to SAY YES.


finding a yes for you

family who can join hac

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can join?

family who can join hac

new sponsorship bb

Harp and Crown Credit Union are delighted to confirm a brand-NEW sponsorship within the wider police family - The Boys’ Brigade East Antrim Battalion Heritage Society.

new sponsorship bb

the wagglers sponsorship

Harp and Crown Credit Union were very humbled to receive such a high level of interest in sponsorship this year, this being the largest amount of sponsorship requested to date in their 25 years of operation.  

the wagglers sponsorship

antrim station visit

HUGE THANK YOU to Paul McCrossan for helping organise our visit to Antrim Police Station yesterday!


antrim station visit

community outreach 2023

At the Harp and Crown Credit Union we are very humbled to have been in the position to support several fantastic local charities and community organisations.

community outreach 2023

brew monday

We’re ditching BLUE MONDAY and celebrating BREW MONDAY instead today!


brew monday

siobhan ceo social enterprise podcast

We’ve been keeping this one under wraps for a while…

siobhan ceo social enterprise podcast

psni rfc sponsorship 2024

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm their continued sponsorship of the PSNI Rugby Football Club in 2024.

psni rfc sponsorship 2024

psni fa isle of man

The PSNI FA representative team visited Isle of Man (IOM) last weekend to play against the IOM Police team.

psni fa isle of man

newtownabbey police visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union were out and about again this week!

newtownabbey police visit

haccu support psni psuk match

Continuing our support of health and wellbeing within the wider Police Family, Harp and Crown Credit Union were delighted to be able to support PSNI as they took on North Wales Police at the Police Sport UK Open Age football tournament yesterday.

haccu support psni psuk match

1st loan 24

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

1st loan 24

soccer school coach josh dutton-black

Soccer School Coach Announcement!

soccer school coach josh dutton-black

brooklyn hq visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union visited PSNI Headquarters (Brooklyn HQ) this week!

brooklyn hq visit

member milestone

WOW! We have a GREAT news to share!

member milestone

downpatrick station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Downpatrick Police Station today!

downpatrick station visit

soccer school coach dylan kerr

The Alan McDonald Soccer School has announced that Dylan Kerr is one of the coaches this year!


soccer school coach dylan kerr

police station visits

Some highlights from our recent visits to police stations & police family organisations across Northern Ireland!

police station visits

mental health awareness week 2024

We are proud to support several police family organisations through sponsorship, in particular, police sport initiatives which promote health and wellbeing!


mental health awareness week 2024

soccer school coach warren feeney

The Alan McDonald Soccer School of Excellence has made a big announcement this weekend!

soccer school coach warren feeney

soccer school coach maria

We’re counting down to the Alan McDonald Soccer School of Excellence, taking place at Newforge Complex this weekend!

soccer school coach maria

police rugby championship

Harp and Crown Credit Union were proud to sponsor Ireland Police Rugby at the 4 Nations International Police Rugby Championship today! 


police rugby championship

world environment day 24

Today is World Environment Day with a focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.

world environment day 24

lisburn station visit

A pleasure to speak with our police family at Lisburn Police Station yesterday!

lisburn station visit

belfast ryder cup

Harp and Crown Credit Union is proud to have been a sponsor of the Belfast Ryder Cup yesterday, supporting mental health in Northern Ireland.

belfast ryder cup

police sport awards 2024

MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to Beverley Esler winning “Club Person of the Year” at the Police Sport Awards last night in Newforge Sports Complex!

police sport awards 2024

letr sponsorship

We had the pleasure of meeting T/Chief Supt Amanda Ford this week!

letr sponsorship

cu vs bank jul 24

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

cu vs bank jul 24

ards station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Newtownards Police Station!

ards station visit

police visits to stations

Would YOU and your colleagues/family love to JOIN Harp and Crown Credit Union? 


police visits to stations

follow us social media channels

Do you know we are on the following social media channels?

follow us social media channels

family fun day 24

What a FANTASTIC day we had at the recent "Police Family" Family Fun Day!

family fun day 24

musgrave station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Musgrave Police Station!

musgrave station visit

emergency services day 24

Today is Emergency Services Day.

emergency services day 24

bangor station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Bangor Police Station!

bangor station visit

charity day 24

Last year we donated over £3,000 to local and national charities...

charity day 24

rucgc foundation donation

Harp and Crown Credit Union donate £1,000 to the Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation.

rucgc foundation donation

brooke house charity donation

Harp and Crown Credit Union donate £1,000 to Brooke House Health and Wellbeing Centre in County Fermanagh.

brooke house charity donation

strand road station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union made a big trip to The Maiden City yesterday!

strand road station visit

70 member benefits 24

“I’m over 70, what are the BENEFITS of staying a member?”

70 member benefits 24

letr ball reminder

Lovely to see T/Chief Supt Amanda Ford and the LETR volunteer team today!

letr ball reminder

ballymena station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union visited the City of the Seven Towers today!

ballymena station visit

gentle reminder nominations 2024

A gentle reminder of our up and coming deadline of Friday 1st November 2024.

gentle reminder nominations 2024

national stress awareness day 24

It’s National Stress Awareness Day and we can’t emphasise enough how important it is to reduce stress and look after your mental health and well-being. Our members fulfil various roles within the police community, all with their own stress factors.

national stress awareness day 24

social enterprise day 24

It’s Social Enterprise Day and we want to congratulate all the social enterprises making a HUGE impact SOCIALLY and LOCALLY! Did you know?

social enterprise day 24

welcome new psni student officers oct

A privilege to meet PSNI Student Officers this week at the NI Police College! 

welcome new psni student officers oct

International Mens Day 2024

Happy International Men’s Day to our members!

International Mens Day 2024

omagh station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union were on the road again today!

omagh station visit

giving tuesday 2024

It’s #GivingTuesday and we want to encourage as many of you as possible to “pay it forward” today!  

giving tuesday 2024

small business saturday 2024

Small Business Saturday UK is a nationwide campaign which takes place on the first Saturday in December each year. 

small business saturday 2024

nca visit


nca visit

common bond feb 25

What is a CREDIT UNION?  And who exactly is our COMMON BOND?

common bond feb 25

lisnasharragh police visit jan

We were back visiting our friends at Lisnasharragh Police Station this week!

lisnasharragh police visit jan

police college visit jan 25

Today the PSNI launched a recruitment campaign to encourage applications for Student Officers (from today) and Call Handlers (from Monday).

police college visit jan 25

pfni bravery awards

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm a BRAND-NEW sponsorship in 2025.  They will be supporting the Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) Bravery and Excellence Awards this year.

pfni bravery awards

ruc gc foundation conference 25

An absolute pleasure to support and attend the RUC GC Foundation Annual Conference at Newforge Sports Complex and Event Hub yesterday.

ruc gc foundation conference 25

psni rfc 2025

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is celebrating another big milestone!

psni rfc 2025

Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
regulator fca fcsc