Loyal Saver Loan

loyal saver loan at christmas

NEED some extra funds coming up to Christmas? BUT don’t want to withdraw more of your SAVINGS?

loyal saver loan at christmas

home improvement 2024

Our recent member survey shows that 27% of Harp & Crown CU members who BORROW do so for HOME IMPROVEMENT reasons!

home improvement 2024

savings protected with loyal saver loan

Need to cover the cost of a new car or emergency car repairs?  Home Improvement? A well earned holiday.  Or perhaps you or a loved one have forthcoming wedding costs to manage?

savings protected with loyal saver loan

honeymoon costs

Did you or a family member just get engaged? 

honeymoon costs

loyal saver loan

Need help with a new car or car repairs? Home improvement? Engagement/wedding? Holiday? Or more?

loyal saver loan

loyal saver loan march 24

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

loyal saver loan march 24

loyal saver apr 24

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

loyal saver apr 24

loyal saver flc loan

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

loyal saver flc loan

loyal loan flc

Need help with a new car or car repairs? Home improvement? Engagement/wedding? Holiday? Or more?

loyal loan flc

lowest interest rate loan

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

lowest interest rate loan

Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit http://www.fca.org.uk
regulator fca fcsc