Loyal Saver Loan

Designed to allow members to borrow whilst protecting their savings, you could avail of our lowest loan interest rate.  



  • Members can borrow up to the value of their savings (maximum £30,000)

  • 100% of the loan balance is "locked in" against your savings.

  • Loans available at our lowest interest rate of 3.9% APR

  • Loans available up to a maximum of £30,000

  • Minimum repayment term 6 months

  • Maximum repayment term 60 months

With FREE LIFE COVER up to age 70

Example: £10,000 Loyal Saver Loan with 100% savings locked in - in the event of your death, your loved one would receive £5,000 on TOP of your £10K savings AND your loan would be written off. 

LOAN CALCULATOR:  Find out how much one of our Loyal Saver Loan could cost you monthly.

Whether you need to help with private healthcare costs; consolidate outstanding high interest debt; invest in home improvements; a new car; or cover any unexpected expenses, we are here to help.


Or contact us today to find out if you are eligible.

T:  028 9068 5198

E:  creditunion@harpandcrown.co.uk 

Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit http://www.fca.org.uk
regulator fca fcsc