Credit Union News

How to make a difference this World Environment Day

05 June 2024

Today is World Environment Day with a focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.

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world environment day 24

Earth Day 2024 - how can you make a positive impact on the environment AND save some money?

22 April 2024

On Earth Day (22nd April) we are supporting this global event to highlight the importance of protecting the environment.  What can YOU do to protect the environment and HOW could you SAVE some money in the process?

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earth day 2024

Switch it off for Earth Hour!

23 March 2024

“Could an hour change the world?” 

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earth hour 24

Going Green with an Electric Car

31 July 2023

More and more people are moving towards a "greener" way of life, with a range of eco-friendly and sustainable products available.  Some involve large investments, others a simple change in behaviour.

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Going Green with an Electric Car

World Environment Day

05 June 2023

Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay with a focus on solutions to plastic pollution.

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World Environment Day 23

This Earth Day consider your greener options

21 April 2023

It's Earth Day on Saturday 22nd April and we want to help raise environmental awareness.

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Earth Day

Food prices at an all time high

20 April 2023

Inflation is still in double figures in the UK (10.1% in March) and the cost of living crisis continues.  

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Food prices at an all time high

Earth Hour

25 March 2023

It’s Earth Hour between 8.30pm-9.30pm on Saturday 25th March.  What will you be doing to help our planet? Switching lights or TV off for an hour? Or both!

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Earth Hour

Harp and Crown Are Fully Digital

26 October 2022

The Harp and Crown Credit Union are now fully digital!

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Harp and Crown Are Fully Digital

World Sustainability Day 2022

25 October 2022

It's World Sustainability Day on the 26th October.  We've compiled FIVE ways to become more sustainable and care for the environment!

Read this article

World Sustainability Day 2022
Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
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