Credit Union News

Your emergency fund at Harp and Crown Credit Union

23 May 2024

Do you use your Harp and Crown Credit union account as an EMERGENCY FUND?

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emergency fund may 24

Financial Literacy Month - Start NOW with your Juniors!

19 April 2024

It’s National Financial Literacy Month and we want to help “raise public awareness of the importance of financial literacy and maintaining smart money management habits”.

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financial literacy month juniors

Five ways to improve your financial health today

04 April 2024

It's National Financial Literacy Month and we want you to consider YOUR current financial situation...

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financial literacy month tips

Clocks Spring Forward - time for a spring clean of your finances?

30 March 2024

Don't forget the clocks "spring forward" by an hour this evening.  The lighter evenings and mornings are upon us, time for a spring clean!  And that includes your finances! 

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clocks forward 24

Debt Awareness Week 2024

21 March 2024

This Debt Awareness Week, we’re supporting debt help charity StepChange by raising awareness of this huge issue.  “Debt can happen to anyone.”

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debt awareness week 24

Are you living within your means?

25 February 2024

Or are you trying to “keep up with the Joneses”??

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keeping up with the joneses

Try this FREE Budget Planner Tool and plan your February finances today!

21 January 2024

January finances didn’t quite go to plan?  It’s NEVER too late to start MANAGING YOUR BUDGET more effectively.

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february budgeting

Review your finances with our top 20 winter savings tips!

20 January 2024

Take time out TODAY to review YOUR finances.


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winter savings tips

Use your credit union NOT your credit card

14 January 2024

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out from Christmas spends?


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use your credit union not your credit card

Talk to us before it becomes a bigger problem

09 January 2024

We’ll always try our best to HELP YOU reduce any high interest debt and STOP you sinking into further debt.

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debt consolidation 2024

Overspent this Christmas? Let us try to help you

28 December 2023

Overspent this Christmas? We may be able to help get you through January and beyond.  

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overspent this christmas

Credit Card Debt - Talk to us

21 December 2023

Are your CREDIT CARD bills soaring? With the potential to get worse on the lead up to Christmas…

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no more credit cards

Be Safe this Black Friday!

23 November 2023

Don’t get caught out with the Black Friday Sales!

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be safe on black friday

Five ways to improve your financial health

18 November 2023

Feel like your finances aren't improving any?  We've compiled 5 ways to help improve your FINANCIAL HEALTH.

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5 ways to improve financial health

Fraud Awareness Week - 5 Ways to Avoid Fraud

16 November 2023

It’s International Fraud Awareness Week 12th - 18th November...have you ever been the victim of fraud? Here are FIVE ways to avoid fraud impacting on you.


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fraud awareness week 23

How much could YOU be saving this winter?

26 October 2023

Autumn/winter season can be a hard time for everyone with heating costs, cost-of-living increases and with Christmas approaching.  Here are a few ways you can manage and save on some costs this winter.

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save costs this winter

Talk to us before applying for that extra credit card

18 October 2023

BAD DEBT has a sneaky way of creeping up on you…

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talk to us first

Five ways to improve your credit score today

12 October 2023

Before asking for credit, check your credit score!  You can do this online via a credit reference agency.  Need to improve your credit score? 

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improving your credit score

Free Wills Month is back in October 2023

11 October 2023

Are you aged 55 or over and haven't yet written a will? You could be eligible to have your will written free of charge.

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free wills month 2023

Saving Tips this Autumn

23 September 2023

Today officially marks the first day of Autumn…the Autumn Equinox!

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Saving Tips this Autumn

Review your finances in September

01 September 2023

Hello September! And hello Autumn!

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September Financial Review

Good luck to all receiving their GCSE Exam Results today

24 August 2023

Very best of luck to everyone receiving their GCSE results today! You’ve got this!

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GCSE Exam Results

Budgeting 70 20 10 rule

13 August 2023

How do you manage your budget every month?

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Budgeting 70-20-10 rule

Debt Consolidation Member Story

11 August 2023

We HELPED a member with several HIGH INTEREST credit cards (one as high as 26% APR)…

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Debt Consolidation Story

Credit Card and Loans Social Media Poll Results

07 August 2023

The continued HIGH cost-of-living is continuing to create financial stress for many.  We conducted a Social Media POLL asking YOU if you’re paying off any credit cards or loans…

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Credit Card Debt Poll

Reducing your high debt through debt consolidation

02 August 2023

 We are an ethical financial services provider, here for our members.

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Debt Consolidation Aug 23

Five ways to improve your credit score

26 July 2023

Are you planning on buying a new car?  Applying for a mortgage?  Need a loan to cover cost-of-living increases? Unless you can pay for a car or house up front, all the above will require a credit check of your finances, from any potential lenders/creditors.

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Improve your credit score

Living below your means

13 July 2023

Are you living within your means?  Or are you trying to "keep up with the Joneses"?? 

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Living below your means

Debt Consolidation - Member Case Study

15 June 2023

We were delighted to help one of our members this week who was struggling with unmanageable debt.

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Member Case Study Debt

Harp and Crown CU Account Your Emergency Fund

14 June 2023

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an emergency fund?

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Emergency Fund June

Twenty ways to save on costs this year

25 May 2023

Need some help with budgeting and saving?

Read this article

Saving Tips May

Debt Consolidation Case Study - Mental Health Awareness Week

18 May 2023

Continuing our support of Mental Health Awareness WeekOne of our members approached us recently to apply for a loan but hadn’t declared all outgoings.

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Debt Consolidation Case Study May 23

Set up an emergency fund today

11 May 2023

Do you have an emergency fund set up yet?  According to

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Emergency Fund Today

The 70 20 10 Budget Rule

06 May 2023

How do you manage your budget every month?

Read this article

Budgeting 70 20 10 rule

Live below your means

19 April 2023

Are you living within your means?  In fact experts say you should be living BELOW your means!

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Live below your means

Join us on 25 April

12 April 2023

April is Stress Awareness Month and with Debt Stress being at an all time high for many, we want to help our members manage their finances in the best way possible, avoiding high interest debt.  We also want to help you manage any existing debt in an ethical, flexible and safe way.

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Debt Stress Awareness

Please join us for our first Financial Awareness Workshop in April

28 March 2023

Harp and Crown Credit Union members!  Whether you are debt free, want to learn more about managing your finances or struggling with debt right now, please join us for our first Financial Awareness Workshop!

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Financial Awareness Workshop April

5 ways to avoid debt

24 March 2023

“Debt can happen to anyone.” We’re helping raise awareness of debt this week.  “Prevention is better than cure”, especially when it comes to debt.

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5 ways to avoid debt

Join us at our first Financial Awareness Workshop

23 March 2023

It's Debt Awareness Week and no better time to announce that we will be hosting our first Financial Awareness Workshop in April.

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Financial Awareness Workshop

Debt Awareness Week

22 March 2023

This Debt Awareness Week, we’re supporting debt help charity StepChange by raising awareness of this huge issue.  

“Debt can happen to anyone.”

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Debt Awareness Week

Energy Prices set to change on 1st April

20 March 2023

Have you been keeping a close eye on gas and electricity rates?  Since our December 2022 article, and in the last week alone, there have been some major announcements within the energy supplier sector.

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Energy Prices from 1 April

Spend Less Than You Earn to be Happy

21 February 2023

Makes sense doesn’t it?  Spend less than you earn = happiness. However. It’s not that simple for everyone.

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Spend less than you earn

Avoid High Interest Payday Loans

25 January 2023

Do you need some financial help before pay day?  Payday loans may be tempting in a time of financial need but please be aware of high interest rates and the risk of getting into long term debt!

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Payday loans

Top 20 Saving Tips

20 January 2023

Need some help with budgeting and saving? We’ve compiled our own Top 20 Saving Tips to help you save on costs in some way this winter.

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Top 20 Saving Tips

Insta Poll Results for January Finances

17 January 2023

Thanks to all who took part in our Instagram Poll.  January can be a very bleak month for many both mentally and financially.

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Jan Finances

Time to set up your Emergency Fund

13 January 2023

Do you have an emergency fund set up yet? According to“A good rule of thumb to give yourself a solid financial cushion is to have at least three months’ essential outgoings available in an instant access savings account.”

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Emergency Fund

Avoid Credit Card Surfing

12 January 2023

 AVOID “credit card surfing”! Too often we see members taking out a new offer credit card to pay off another card, only to pay the "minimum" monthly balance.

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Credit Card Surfing

Struggling with Debt as you enter 2023

04 January 2023

Are you drowning in Christmas debt right now? Have you spent most of your January pay and not sure how you’ll get through the month?

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New Year Debt

Top up your electric and gas with our Loyal Saver Loan

15 December 2022

Have you been keeping a close eye on gas and electricity rates?  Whilst some suppliers are decreasing tariffs from 1st January 2023, some are hiking their prices (some as high as 23.9%!).

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Top up with Loyal Saver

Debt Help This Christmas

14 December 2022

Are you drowning in Christmas debt right now? Please don’t suffer in silence and let debt get out of hand, we are here to help you!

Read this article

Debt Help

Fraud Awareness Week - Online Shopping Safety

15 November 2022

It's Fraud Awareness Week and we wanted to share these great Online Shopping Safety Tips from Community South Credit Union, ahead of the Black Friday sales!

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Fraud Awareness Week

Talk Money Week

08 November 2022

It’s Talk Money Week and we asked you, why you might need to apply for a loan right now.

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Talk Money Week

Debt Consolidation Case Study Oct 22

21 October 2022

This month we helped a Harp and Crown Credit Union member consolidate a high interest credit card into one of our lower interest rate loans

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Debt Consolidation Case Study Oct 22

Five Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

12 October 2022

Are you planning on buying a new car?  Applying for a mortgage?  Need a loan to cover cost of living increases this winter?  Unless you can pay for a car or house up front, all the above will require a credit check of your finances, from any potential lenders/creditors.

Read this article

Five Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Ninety Days Until Christmas

26 September 2022

This is a friendly warning from Mr and Mrs Claus!  It’s officially 90 days until CHRISTMAS!

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Ninety Days Until Christmas

Savings Tips this Winter

23 September 2022

Yesterday officially marked the first day of Autumn…before you know it, winter will be upon us!  

Times remain very tough out there but even a few small changes to your spending and lifestyle could make a great difference.

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Savings Tips this Winter

Retirement Benefits

18 August 2022

Are you planning for retirement this year?

There’s no need to close your Harp and Crown Credit Union account!

Read this article

Retirement Benefits

Average Cost of a Wedding

18 August 2022

Are you or a family member planning a wedding?

Read this article

Average Cost of a Wedding

70 20 10 Budget

12 August 2022

How do you manage your budget every month?

Read this article

70 20 10 Budget

Are you living within your means

29 July 2022

Are you living within your means?

We are seeing this A LOT right now.  It’s a challenging time, please try not to make it more difficult with extra expenditure you don’t need.

Read this article

Are you living within your means

Update Your Beneficiary

28 June 2022

Do you need to update your Beneficiary details?

Read this article

Update Your Beneficiary

Debt Consolidation

23 May 2022

Read this article

Debt Consolidation

Talk to us before it becomes a bigger problem

09 May 2022

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week (9th – 15th May) and as a credit union provider we feel very much a duty of care to our members as many tackle debt.  Debt can be just one factor contributing to a decline in mental health and often it’s not something people want to talk about. 


Read this article

Talk to us before it becomes a bigger problem
Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
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