
Each credit union is governed by a Common Bond, that of the Harp and Crown is the wider “police family” in Northern Ireland.  Our rules for membership are highlighted below: 

  1. The qualification for admission to membership of the credit union shall be that of being a serving PSNI officer, employee, staff or retired member (or have left service/employment) in receipt of a continuing and regular contractual payment arising from an occupation within the Police Service, Harbour Police, Airport Police and other UK/ Irish police services where the applicant is now resident in Northern Ireland; or an employee or staff or retired member in receipt of a continuing and regular contractual payment arising from an occupation within the Police Federation of Northern Ireland so that in consequence thereof, there shall be a common bond between all of the members. This will also include NI Police Fund staff; PRRT staff, and staff/members of Newforge Sports Complex. 

  2. A person who is the spouse/partner of or child or grandchild of, a member of the credit union, who fulfils the qualification for admission above shall be deemed to qualify and shall be eligible for membership.  Children and grandchildren aged 0-15 years qualify for our Junior account facility and those aged 16+ will be eligible for a family/adult account

For more detail on how to apply for a FAMILY MEMBERSHIP, please visit our Savings section here.

Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
regulator fca fcsc