Debt Management and Advice

We will never knowingly lend to a member if we believe they are not managing their finances or cannot afford it.  We are here to help YOU with your financial needs.

Remember the best plan for your financial health and wellbeing is to SAVE regularly and ONLY BORROW WHAT YOU NEED.

Payment Restructure

Should you be struggling to make loan payments each month, talk to us, we can restructure your plan, spreading the cost and reducing your monthly payment.  Email us at or call 028 9068 5198 to request a review of your payment plan.

Financial advice and support

Talk to one of our dedicated team about any financial concerns you may have.  If we cannot provide the help you need, we will encourage you to speak with a reputable debt management charity:

Hidden Costs

You can be assured there are no hidden fees or costs associated with your Harp and Crown Credit Union account. 

If however, you seek advice from an external financial organisation, please ensure you find out all their costs.  Read the small print!


Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
regulator fca fcsc