Update Your Beneficiary or Personal Details

Up until 70 years of age, in the event of your death, your beneficiary could receive up to a maximum £5,000 on top of your savings balance (or 1.5 times your savings balance if it's to a lesser value). Any outstanding loan balances would also be cleared.
We appreciate personal circumstances may change for our members, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may update your account.
In the event of your death, your beneficiary will take sole responsibility of your account, which is why it is crucial you update these details, where necessary.
Likewise, if you have changed your address, email, mobile number, or name, it is vital we update your records, to avoid any confusion or delay further down the line.
A Beneficiary Form can be downloaded HERE or you can email us at creditunion@harpandcrown.co.uk.