Fill in the application form and return via email or post; or complete an online loan application in our ONLINE BANKING facility.

We adhere to responsible lending guidelines. This means we have a duty to ensure members only borrow what they can afford.  Having sight of bank statements provides reassurance that members are remaining within reasonable credit limits.

95% of our loan applications are approved and issued same day.

There are a variety of reasons why your application may need further information. It may be the size of the loan, a recent missed payment, you’re not registered on the electoral roll at your given address or something else which raises a flag on your application. Please remember that it is your opportunity to give your side of the story and we want to help you.  If you want to consolidate your credit card debt, don’t put the loan application reason down as ‘Home Improvements’.  We would rather lend to consolidate your debt than assume this is additional lending for a new sunroom.

You can email the office or apply for a loan via online banking, outside of office hours.  If an application is made outside of office hours Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, we will process your application on the next working day.  However, when the office is closed for holidays, you cannot apply for a loan.  Please email us your loan application and we will respond as soon as possible when the office reopens.  Email 

Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
regulator fca fcsc