credit union


A very simple process!


This is FIRST CLASS!  Thank you VERY much. :)

Credit Unions V Banks 2023

Buying a car? Planning some home improvement? Need to consolidate some high interest credit cards? Here are 10 reasons why you should visit your credit union first, before approaching a bank for a loan…

Credit Unions V Banks 2023

Speedy loans

Wow!  Our loans team are super quick!

Speedy loans

Budgeting 70 20 10 rule

How do you manage your budget every month?

Budgeting 70 20 10 rule

10 Reasons to Join

The Harp and Crown Credit Union provides safe, secure, flexible financial services for the wider police family in Northern Ireland.

10 Reasons to Join

Summer Loan Promotion Live

Our Summer Loan Promotion is now live!

Summer Loan Promotion Live

Credit Unions Vs Banks

Considering our Summer Loan Promotion?  Here are 10 reasons why you should visit your credit union first, before approaching a bank for a loan…

Credit Unions Vs Banks

Emergency Fund Today

Do you have an emergency fund set up yet?  According to

Emergency Fund Today

Summer Loan Promotion Eligibility

Our Summer Loan Promotion is now live!  Are you eligible?

Summer Loan Promotion Eligibility

Soccer School Deadline approaching

Fantastic news!  Organisers have confirmed over 100 entries to this event so far!

Soccer School Deadline approaching

Mental Health Awareness

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week (15-21 May) and the theme is “Anxiety”.

Mental Health Awareness

First Time Loan May 2023

Are you a new member (a member for less than 6 months) and/or haven’t taken out a loan with us yet?

First Time Loan May 2023

Testimonial Tuesday Ben

Ben applied for a FIRST TIME LOAN to purchase a car, enjoying our lower interest rate of 5.5% APR!

Testimonial Tuesday Ben

National Numeracy Day

“Building brighter futures through confidence with numbers.” It’s National Numeracy Day on 17th May!

National Numeracy Day

Summer Loan Promo 6 days

Only 6 days remaining of our Summer Loan Promotion!

Summer Loan Promo 6 days

Summer Loan Promo 5 days

Only 5 days to go for our Summer Loan Promotion!

Summer Loan Promo 5 days

Summer Loan Promo 4 days

Only 4 days to go until our Summer Loan Promotion ends!

Summer Loan Promo 4 days

Online Banking Spring Bank Holiday

A gentle reminder our office is closed on the Spring Bank Holiday (Monday 29th May).

Online Banking Spring Bank Holiday

Summer Loan Promo 3 days

Only 3 days to go until our Summer Loan Promotion ends!

Summer Loan Promo 3 days

Summer Loan Promo 2 days

Only 2 days to go until our Summer Loan Promotion ends!

Summer Loan Promo 2 days

Summer Loan Promo Final Day

Hurry!  It’s the FINAL DAY of our Summer Loan Promotion!

Summer Loan Promo Final Day

Testimonial Tuesday Ray

Ray qualified for our Summer Loan Promotion, TOPPING UP his existing loan with us.

Testimonial Tuesday Ray

Saving Tips May

Need some help with budgeting and saving?

Saving Tips May

Share withdrawal by 4pm

A gentle reminder, our office is closed on Monday 29th May (Spring Bank Holiday).

Share withdrawal by 4pm

We are open 30 May

Welcome back members! We hope you had a lovely Spring Bank Holiday weekend.

We are open 30 May

Mailing List exclusives

Members! Do you receive our monthly e-newsletters?

Mailing List exclusives

Gazette Exclusive Online

Did you receive our newsletter?  We are delighted to bring an exclusive to our members, signed up to our mailing list...the Police Gazette ONLINE for the first time!

Gazette Exclusive Online

Junior accounts May 23

Are you a serving PSNI Officer or support staff?  Do you live outside Belfast?

Junior accounts May 23

Weather for DIY

Another great day…for some DIY! Perfect for enjoying your garden...maybe it need a revamp for the summer?  Need some help?

Weather for DIY

Top Up Loan June 23

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us? Remember our 5 x savings Vs borrowing benefit!

Top Up Loan June 23

Feedback Friday Gerry

Thanks for your feedback Gerry!

Feedback Friday Gerry

Summer Loan 23 Update

WOW! In May during our Summer Loan Promotion we can confirm the following figures:

World Environment Day 23

Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay with a focus on solutions to plastic pollution.

World Environment Day 23

Volunteers Week

As we nearly come to an end of Volunteers’ Week, we just wanted to convey a HUGE thank you to our Board of Directors and business committee volunteers!

Volunteers Week

Credit Union 5 Reasons

Why join a credit union?

Credit Union 5 Reasons

Holiday Plans

We have been spoiled with this great weather! But it’s not set to last!  Time to book your next sun holiday!

HAC Savings Facts

Members…did you know?

HAC Savings Facts

Credit Union Human Way

Here’s just ONE of the main reasons to apply for a loan with us!

Credit Union Human Way

Member Monday Marion

Marion requested a TOP UP of her existing loan This was actioned and funds were transferred to her nominated bank account, all on the same day!

Member Monday Marion

Holiday Costs Blog

How much has your holiday cost this year?  Read our blog in full here.

Holiday Costs Blog

First Time Loan June 2023

A huge welcome to our new members! Thank you for choosing us as your Number ONE credit union!

First Time Loan June 2023

Emergency Fund June

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an emergency fund?

Emergency Fund June

Member Case Study Debt

We were delighted to help one of our members this week who was struggling with unmanageable debt.

Member Case Study Debt

Update Your Beneficiary Now

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY will take sole responsibility of your Harp and Crown Credit Union account.  ARE YOUR BENEFICIARY DETAILS UP TO DATE?

Update Your Beneficiary Now

Jul Holiday Closure

A gentle reminder our next office closure dates will be on Wednesday 12th July and Thursday 13th July. 

Jul Holiday Closure

Testimonial Tuesday Paul

Paul wanted to apply for a new loan and had queried paying off his existing loan balance with his Harp and Crown CU savings. 

Testimonial Tuesday Paul

Free Life Cover

FREE LIFE COVER for Harp and Crown CU members up until 70 years of age!

Free Life Cover

25th anniversary plans reveal

Earlier this week we revealed our 25th Anniversary plans as an exclusive “FIRST to know” to our member mailing list subscribers!  Did you receive your email?

25th anniversary plans reveal

Loan Calculator jun 23

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?

Loan Calculator jun 23

Save from payroll


Save from payroll

Testimonial Tuesday Martin

Martin contacted us to request a transfer of funds from his savings account - funds were transferred to his nominated bank account that same day!

Testimonial Tuesday Martin

Your Family Can Become Members

Members! Did you know?

Your Family Can Become Members

Rise in interest rates

“Credit card APRs hit 30% as car loans charges double.”

More car loans June

With the recent news of “car loans charges doubling” we’ve seen more of our members coming forward to apply for one of our lower interest loans!

More car loans June

Credit card interest increase

Have you seen a large increase in your credit card or loan interest? Do you have several high interest loans/credit cards to pay off?

Credit card interest increase

25 years

How long have you been a member of the Harp and Crown Credit Union?

25 years

Join a credit union today

Why join a credit union?

Join a credit union today

No rates changes here

Harp and Crown CU members! Please be assured our LOANS remain at the SAME lower interest rates!

K9SARNI Donation

It is with great pleasure the Harp and Crown Credit Union are announcing support of the fantastic local charity K9 Search and Rescue Northern Ireland.

K9SARNI Donation

Summer 23 Prize Draw Winners

Members!  Check your email!  We have run our BIG Summer Prize Draw and our winners have been selected and notified.

Summer 23 Prize Draw Winners

25th anniversary dinner

Today we revealed more exciting 25th Anniversary plans…

25th anniversary dinner

Top Up Loan Jul 23

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us?  Need some help with forthcoming holiday costs?

Top Up Loan Jul 23

National Make a Difference to Children Month

It’s National Make a Difference to Children Month in July.

National Make a Difference to Children Month

Living below your means

Are you living within your means?  Or are you trying to "keep up with the Joneses"?? 

Living below your means

Updating your beneficiary

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY will take sole responsibility of your Harp and Crown Credit Union account.  

Updating your beneficiary

Testimonial Tuesday Donna

Donna was one of our “64% increase in new members” signing up with the Harp and Crown CU this financial year!

Testimonial Tuesday Donna

Member Monday Billy

Continuing our 25th Anniversary celebrations, we’ll be sharing stories from our members, directors, stakeholders and more.  All of whom have been instrumental in the success of the Harp and Crown Credit Union over the past 25 years.

Member Monday Billy

Loan Calculator July

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?  And in an ethical, flexible and affordable way?

Loan Calculator July

Education Loan 2023

Do you have a child or more than one child heading off to college or university soon? Or perhaps you’re planning for this big event in one, two or three years’+ time.  Are you ready for the financial investment which comes with your child studying away from home?

Education Loan 2023

CU Common Bond

What is a CREDIT UNION?  And who exactly is our COMMON BOND?

CU Common Bond

Follow us

THANK YOU for following us on social media.

Follow us

Top Up Loan Ahead of Payday

Need a TOP UP to help before payday or to pay unexpected bills this month?? AVOID high interest payday loans and come to us first!

Top Up Loan Ahead of Payday

Testimonial Tuesday Ronan

Delighted we could be of assistance Ronan!

Testimonial Tuesday Ronan

Improve your credit score

Are you planning on buying a new car?  Applying for a mortgage?  Need a loan to cover cost-of-living increases? Unless you can pay for a car or house up front, all the above will require a credit check of your finances, from any potential lenders/creditors.

Improve your credit score

Dividend for members

Did you know? In 2022, we paid out a grand total DIVIDEND of £470,380 to Harp & Crown Credit Union members!

Your Free Life Cover

FREE LIFE COVER for Harp and Crown CU members up until 70 years of age!

Your Free Life Cover

I Love My Credit Union 2023

It’s I Love My Credit Union Day!  We asked some of our members what they LOVE about the Harp and Crown Credit Union.

I Love My Credit Union 2023

Your Beneficiary

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY will take sole responsibility of your Harp and Crown Credit Union account.  

Your Beneficiary

Going Green with an Electric Car

More and more people are moving towards a "greener" way of life, with a range of eco-friendly and sustainable products available.  Some involve large investments, others a simple change in behaviour.

Going Green with an Electric Car

Testimonial Tuesday Carolyn

We LOVE hearing feedback like this! Thank you Carolyn!

Testimonial Tuesday Carolyn

Debt Consolidation Aug 23

 We are an ethical financial services provider, here for our members.

Debt Consolidation Aug 23

Increase in Junior Accounts

WOW!  We’ve opened 15.4% more JUNIOR accounts this financial year compared to last year!

Increase in Junior Accounts

Set up your direct debit

Are you retired or have left service?  There’s no need to close your Harp and Crown Credit Union account!

Set up your direct debit

Business Support Assistant

Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm an expansion of our team with a brand new role.  We are recruiting for a Business Support Assistant!

Credit Card Debt Poll

The continued HIGH cost-of-living is continuing to create financial stress for many.  We conducted a Social Media POLL asking YOU if you’re paying off any credit cards or loans…

Credit Card Debt Poll

Back to school loan

Kids BACK TO SCHOOL soon, but not quite organised?

Back to school loan

Instant access with no penalty

One of our members this week came to us for an EMERGENCY car loan…

Instant access with no penalty

Open a Family Account Today

Members! Did you know?

Open a Family Account Today

25th Anniversary Story David

Continuing our 25th ANNIVERSARY celebrations, we’re sharing stories from our members, directors, stakeholders and more.

25th Anniversary Story David

Debt Consolidation Story

We HELPED a member with several HIGH INTEREST credit cards (one as high as 26% APR)…

Debt Consolidation Story

August Office Closure

A gentle reminder our next office closure will be on Monday 28th August for the Bank Holiday.

August Office Closure

Budgeting 70-20-10 rule

How do you manage your budget every month?

Budgeting 70-20-10 rule

New Job Opportunity Aug 23

Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm an expansion of our team with a brand new role.  We are recruiting for a Business Support Assistant!

Gazette Exclusive Online Aug 23

EXCLUSIVE to our mailing list members!

Gazette Exclusive Online Aug 23

National Relaxation Day 2023

Happy National Relaxation Day!

National Relaxation Day 2023

Testimonial Tuesday Sam

Credit Unions Vs Banks!

Testimonial Tuesday Sam

CU Vs Bank

Apart from ONE great reason alone…the increase in Bank of England rates…and our lower interest rates remaining the same…here's why you should visit your credit union FIRST before approaching a bank for a loan.

CU Vs Bank

A Level Exam Results

VERY BEST OF LUCK to all receiving their AS, A level and CoPE results this morning!

A Level Exam Results

Members Free Life Cover

UNLIKE banks, CREDIT UNIONS such as the Harp and Crown CU provide FREE LIFE COVER up the the age of 70 years old.

Members Free Life Cover

Business Support Assistant Reminder

Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm an expansion of our team with a brand new role.  We are recruiting for a Business Support Assistant! Please SHARE with FAMILY and FRIENDS who may be eligible TO APPLY!

Business Support Assistant Deadline

FINAL CHANCE to get your application form in for our NEW ROLE as Business Support Assistant! DEADLINE 5PM TODAY! GO!


Please don't keep putting this off.  We've had many members get caught out with this.  Update YOUR BENEFICIARY is WHY IT IS IMPORTANT to do so...


Ethical Borrowing


Ethical Borrowing

Junior to Adult

We offer JUNIOR ACCOUNTS from BIRTH to 15 YEARS.  BUT…WHAT happens to YOUR JUNIOR’S account once they turn 16 YEARS??

Junior to Adult

Closed for Aug Bank Hol

Our office will reopen on Tuesday 29th August at 9am.

Closed for Aug Bank Hol

25th Anniversary Survey

Harp and Crown Credit Union members!  Have YOUR say!

25th Anniversary Survey

Top Up Loan Before Payday

Need a TOP UP to help before payday or to pay unexpected bills this month? Get in touch before the Bank Holiday weekend!

Top Up Loan Before Payday

GCSE Exam Results

Very best of luck to everyone receiving their GCSE results today! You’ve got this!

GCSE Exam Results

Family Can Join

Members!  Did you know?

Family Can Join

25th anniversary dinner reminder

MEMBERS! Don’t miss out!

25th anniversary dinner reminder

Survey reminder

Don't forget to have YOUR say for a chance to WIN!

Survey reminder

National Dog Day

It’s National Dog Day! AND we sure LOVE our dogs at the Harp and Crown CU!

National Dog Day

Loan Interest Saved

We saved a member £500 in loan interest...

Loan Interest Saved

Back to School Poll

How is YOUR Back to SCHOOL week going so far?

Back to School Poll

Student Car Loan

Does YOUR student NEED a CAR for college or university?

Student Car Loan

September Financial Review

Hello September! And hello Autumn!

September Financial Review

Golf Competition

THANK YOU to everyone involved in our 25th Anniversary Golf Competition!

Golf Competition Photos

Some photos from our 25th Anniversary Golf Competition held in August 2023 at Portadown Golf Club....

Golf Competition Photos

Instant access to Emergency Fund

Our MEMBER SURVEY so far says 43% of you use your Harp & Crown CU account for INSTANT ACCESS and as an EMERGENCY FUND.  48% cite LOANS as the reason. 

Instant access to Emergency Fund

Finish DIY Projects Now

According to our Member Survey, over 25% of you took out loans for HOME IMPROVEMENT...

Finish DIY Projects Now

September 11th Remembered

“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.” Sandy Dahl

September 11th Remembered

Life Cover Free

Harp and Crown Credit Union members receive FREE LIFE COVER up to the age of 70 years.

Life Cover Free

Testimonial Tuesday Survey

WOW! Just WOW!  We received this WONDERFUL feedback from a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.

Testimonial Tuesday Survey

shortlisted for awards

We have some EXCITING NEWS!  As if our 25th Anniversary celebrations couldn’t get any better…

shortlisted for awards

bank loan headline rates

Hands up who got caught out with the BANK’S “HEADLINE” loan rate…

bank loan headline rates

Beyond the Battlefield donation

As the Harp and Crown Credit Union celebrates its 25th Anniversary year, we are delighted to announce our support of several local charities.  One of which provides a very important service to the police family in Northern Ireland.

Beyond the Battlefield donation

Junior Savers Question

Harp and Crown CU member:  Can my GRANDCHILD join if their PARENTS aren’t in the police?

Junior Savers Question

100 days to Christmas

This is a friendly warning from Mr and Mrs Claus! It’s officially 100 days until CHRISTMAS!

No penalties to access your money

There are NO penalties to access your money with us.

No penalties to access your money

Loan Interest Rebate

As we near the end of our financial year (running from Oct-Sept) we’re reflecting on the BENEFITS of being a Harp and Crown Credit Union member!

Education loan top up

It’s back to COLLEGE and UNIVERSITY season! Are YOUR FINANCES starting to FEEL THE PINCH?

Education loan top up

Recommend a new member

THANK YOU to everyone who completed our latest member survey!

Recommend a new member

Testimonial Tuesday Stephen

THANK YOU for this feedback Stephen! 

Testimonial Tuesday Stephen

1K Loan Interest Saved

Putting YOU first…let us do the MATHS to help YOU SAVE…

1K Loan Interest Saved

Wedding Season

It’s “wedding season”.  Are YOU or a family member getting married this month?  Or perhaps you’re planning for a 2024 wedding?

Wedding Season

Action Cancer Donation

As the Harp and Crown Credit Union celebrates its 25th Anniversary year, we are delighted to announce our support of several local charities. 

Action Cancer Donation

Saving Tips this Autumn

Today officially marks the first day of Autumn…the Autumn Equinox!

Saving Tips this Autumn

Junior Savers Week

It’s Junior Savers Week!  As we near the end of our financial year (Sept-Oct) we are delighted to confirm we have around 10% more JUNIOR ACCOUNTS opened compared to last year!

Junior Savers Week

harp and crown on air

Harp and Crown Credit Union members!  As part of our 25th Anniversary celebrations we are on the radio for the first time! 

harp and crown on air

Police Widows Donation

In celebration of their 25th Anniversary year, the Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to announce several charitable donations.  One of which is very close to the heart of the wider police family in Northern Ireland.

Police Widows Donation

Borrow Five Times Savings

Just one of our KEY BENEFITS at the Harp and Crown Credit Union, which differentiates us from banks and other credit unions!


Borrow Five Times Savings

Play the long game

“Play the long game…"  CHOOSE your CREDIT UNION… 

Play the long game

refer a family member

Happy 25th Anniversary Harp and Crown Credit Union!!  To celebrate we are running a promotion to benefit YOU and your FAMILY!

happy anniversary

Happy 25th Anniversary Harp and Crown Credit Union!

happy anniversary

feedback friday junior

THREE more REASONS to save with the Harp and Crown Credit Union…

feedback friday junior

weekend deadlines

REMINDER!  Deadline for loan applications and share withdrawal requests today....

weekend deadlines

nominations notice for elections

IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR MEMBERS:  Notice re Nominations for Elections 2023.

25 years in operation

On this day 25 years ago (1st October 1998) the Harp and Crown Credit Union commenced business!

25 years in operation

national customer service week

It's National Customer Service Week!  At the Harp and Crown Credit Union we aim to deliver FIRST CLASS customer service to EACH of our members.

national customer service week

loan calculator october

Do you help financing…

loan calculator october

caravan site fees

Are your caravan site fees due this side of Christmas?

caravan site fees

refer family

Don't forget our October promotion for YOU and YOUR family!

over 70 benefits

“I’m over 70, what are the BENEFITS of staying a member?”


over 70 benefits

family member testimonial

“You helped my daughter get her first car with the family membership. Thank you.” Invest in YOUR FAMILY’s financial future today!

family member testimonial

25th anniversary dinner 6th october 2023

What a night! THANK YOU to each and every one of you who attended and supported the Harp and Crown Credit Union 25th Anniversary Dinner!


25th anniversary dinner 6th october 2023

thank you david mcclurg

“Banks lend you money when you DON’T need it….the credit union lends you money when you DO need it.” David McClurg MBE OBE

thank you david mcclurg

25th anniversary dinner sponsor thank you

THANK YOU to our 25th Anniversary Dinner prize sponsors Ruddell & Co and Constituent! Proceeds from the charity ballot are going to the RUCGC PSNI Benevolent Fund.


25th anniversary dinner sponsor thank you

exclusive to our mailing list members

Access the latest issue of the Police Gazette online! EXCLUSIVE to our MEMBERS ONLY mailing list subscribers!

exclusive to our mailing list members

its world mental health day

The theme for 2023, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is “Mental health is a universal human right”.

its world mental health day

improving your credit score

Before asking for credit, check your credit score!  You can do this online via a credit reference agency.  Need to improve your credit score? 

improving your credit score

free wills month 2023

Are you aged 55 or over and haven't yet written a will? You could be eligible to have your will written free of charge.

free wills month 2023

thank you alistair

A HUGE thank you to Alistair McGowan (Harp and Crown Credit Union Director) for being the most excellent compère at our 25th Anniversary Dinner!

thank you alistair

cu vs bank blog

Credit Unions are VERY on topic at the moment with the departure of several major banks in Ireland, and credit unions coming to the fore in excellence.

cu vs bank blog

25th dinner pics

It's hard to believe this was already ONE week ago already!  Everyone looking very dapper indeed.  Here's our official photos from the evening, do you recognise anyone?

25th dinner pics

board then and now

From then to now! Fantastic to see THREE members of our very first Board of Directors (1998) together at the Harp and Crown Credit Union 25th Anniversary Dinner.

board then and now

ryan player of month

Our Loans & Member Services Officer, Ryan is a man of many talents!

ryan player of month

benevolent fund donation

Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to announce a total of £1,500 was raised for the Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross – Police Service of Northern Ireland Benevolent Fund, through their 25th Anniversary Charity Dinner raffle.

benevolent fund donation

try our loan calculator

Need some help with the following...

try our loan calculator

talk to us first

BAD DEBT has a sneaky way of creeping up on you…

talk to us first

twice as many returning

Welcome back!  Not only did we OPEN 52% more Harp and Crown CU accounts this financial year (Oct ‘22 - Sept ‘23) compared to last year…

twice as many returning

family who can join

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can also join?

family who can join

international credit union day 23

It’s the 75th anniversary of International Credit Union Day TODAY!

international credit union day 23

still time to refer family

There's still time BUT hurry!  First come first served.  

online banking for you

Would YOU like to access your Harp and Crown Credit Union account online?

online banking for you

radio ad feedback

Harp and Crown Credit Union members!  We want to THANK YOU for all your feedback regarding our recent RADIO ad campaign.

radio ad feedback

good luck siobhan

“A leader can be defined as somebody who creates a vision that inspires people to follow that vision and move forward towards achieving it.”

good luck siobhan

testimonial tuesday family

A warm welcome awaits you at the Harp & Crown CU!

testimonial tuesday family

gift set winners

THANK YOU to everyone who entered our exclusive mailing list competition!

gift set winners

avoid payday loans oct 23

Need a TOP UP to help before payday or to pay unexpected bills this month??

avoid payday loans oct 23

save costs this winter

Autumn/winter season can be a hard time for everyone with heating costs, cost-of-living increases and with Christmas approaching.  Here are a few ways you can manage and save on some costs this winter.

save costs this winter

christmas loan promo 2023

Could a loan help you this Christmas?  YOU may be eligible** for our loan promotion up to the value of £5,000!  NO application form required.   

christmas loan promo 2023

loan top up

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us?

loan top up

highly commended award

We received “highly commended” in the Best Use Of Social Media Award at the Northern Ireland Social Enterprise Awards last night.

highly commended award

8 weeks until xmas

8 weeks until Christmas!  This year we will OPEN between 9am-1pm as follows:

8 weeks until xmas

stress awareness day 23

It’s National Stress Awareness Day and we can’t emphasise enough how important it is to reduce stress and look after your mental health and well-being.  Our members fulfil various roles within the police community, all with their own stress factors.

stress awareness day 23

member benefits over 70

“I’m over 70, what are the BENEFITS of staying a member?”

member benefits over 70

family eligible to join

Which family members can join the Harp and Crown Credit Union?

family eligible to join

christmas loan promotion from today

Could a loan help you this Christmas?  YOU may be eligible** for our loan promotion up to the value of £5,000!  NO application form required.   

christmas loan promotion from today

christmas loan promotion starts mon

Could a loan help you this Christmas?  YOU may be eligible** for our loan promotion up to the value of £5,000!  NO application form required.   

christmas loan promotion starts mon

junior accounts avail today

Need something to do with the kids/grandkids this very wet Mid term break?

junior accounts avail today

feedback fri greg

Greg was able to TOP UP his existing loan, with funds being transferred on the same day as his application.

feedback fri greg

awards one week ago

ONE WEEK AGO when we collected a “Highly Commended” award for Best Use Of Social Media at the Northern Ireland Social Enterprise Awards!

awards one week ago

harp and crown cu saving facts

It's Talk Money Week.  Let's talk about some FACTS and YOUR Harp and Crown Credit Union account.  Members did you know?

harp and crown cu saving facts

testimonial tues nigel loan promotion

Nigel took advantage of our Christmas Loan Promotion yesterday and is now entered into our £500 prize draw!

testimonial tues nigel loan promotion

credit union dividend vs boe interest

Continuing Talk Money Week...let’s TALK about PROFIT SHARE.

credit union dividend vs boe interest

do one thing

It's Talk Money Week and the theme is #DoOneThing

do one thing

open junior psni email

It's Talk Money Week.  If you #DoOneThing this week....

open junior psni email

2023 agm invite


2023 agm invite

payroll adjustment

Serving PSNI Officer or Police Staff?

payroll adjustment

first time home

Are you planning to purchase your first home?  Or perhaps you have children or grandchildren who are first time home buyers?  Read our latest blog on the topic here.

first time home

ilcu conference 2023

THANK YOU to Martin Fisher (Head of Northern Ireland ILCU) and team for your invite and warm welcome to the very first Irish League of Credit Unions (ILCU) Conference in Dublin.


ilcu conference 2023

testimonial tues alistair loan promotion

With just under 6 weeks until Christmas...Alistair took advantage of our Christmas Loan Promotion yesterday and is now entered into our £500 prize draw!

testimonial tues alistair loan promotion

finding a yes for you

Come to us FIRST…we’ll always try and find a way to SAY YES.


finding a yes for you

fraud awareness week 23

It’s International Fraud Awareness Week 12th - 18th November...have you ever been the victim of fraud? Here are FIVE ways to avoid fraud impacting on you.


fraud awareness week 23

social enterprise day 23

It’s Social Enterprise Day and we want to congratulate all the social enterprises making a HUGE impact SOCIALLY and LOCALLY!  Did you know?

social enterprise day 23

feedback fri jenny

We’re coming to the end of WEEK 2 of our Christmas Loan Promotion…

feedback fri jenny

5 ways to improve financial health

Feel like your finances aren't improving any?  We've compiled 5 ways to help improve your FINANCIAL HEALTH.

5 ways to improve financial health

international mens day 2023

Happy International Men's Day to our members!

international mens day 2023

payroll adjustment for dec pay

Serving PSNI Officer or Police Staff?

payroll adjustment for dec pay

christmas loan promo ends today

FINA DAY… of our Christmas Loan Promotion!  Have you applied for YOUR loan yet?  If eligible** you could apply for a loan up to the value of £5,000!  NO application form required.   

christmas loan promo ends today

family who can join hac

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can join?

family who can join hac

nov 23 so far

WOW!  That’s our Christmas Loan Promotion over for another year! AND what a fantastic promotion and month it has been!  We’re not even at the end of November and can report the following increases:


nov 23 so far

giving tuesday

It’s Giving Tuesday and we want to encourage as many of you as possible to “pay it forward” today! 


giving tuesday

free life cover as a member

FREE LIFE COVER for Harp and Crown CU members up until 70 years of age!

free life cover as a member

still time to return loan agreements

Did you request a CHRISTMAS LOAN PROMOTION quote before our 4pm deadline last Friday?


still time to return loan agreements

credit card debt christmas

Are your CREDIT CARD bills soaring?  With the potential to get worse through added expenses and the cost-of-living on the lead up to Christmas…

credit card debt christmas

november 23 success

November! What a month!


november 23 success

dividend and rebate 2023

Thank you to all Harp and Crown Credit Union members who attended our 25th Annual General Meeting this afternoon.

dividend and rebate 2023

small business saturday uk

Small Business Saturday UK is a nationwide campaign which takes place on the first Saturday in December each year. 


small business saturday uk

anniversary awards for directors

During our 25th AGM yesterday we surprised these two gentlemen with special crystal engraved clocks…


anniversary awards for directors

dividend and rebate available now

Harp and Crown CU Treasurer Lorraine Black (pictured on left with CEO Siobhan Barclay middle and President Fred Boyd) was delighted to confirm on Friday at our AGM:


dividend and rebate available now

christmas prize draw 2023

We’re ending our 25th Anniversary Year with a massive £3,000 Christmas Prize Draw!

christmas prize draw 2023

new sponsorship bb

Harp and Crown Credit Union are delighted to confirm a brand-NEW sponsorship within the wider police family - The Boys’ Brigade East Antrim Battalion Heritage Society.

new sponsorship bb

family saving for 2024

Give YOUR FAMILY the gift of a healthier financial future! AND get a head start saving for Christmas 2024!

family saving for 2024

2023 christmas prize draw

We can reveal our list of prizes for our special 25th Anniversary Christmas Prize Draw! Worth over £3,000!

2023 christmas prize draw

credit union saver benefits

Whilst there are MANY benefits for CREDIT UNION BORROWERS (lower interest rates, flexible repayments and more)…WHAT exactly are the BENEFITS to members who SAVE only?

credit union saver benefits

testimonial damian

Thank YOU Damian for choosing to SAVE with the Harp and Crown Credit Union!


testimonial damian

testimonial john

Thank you for choosing YOUR Police Family CREDIT UNION to look after your finances John! We really appreciate this feedback!


testimonial john

christmas emergency fund

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

christmas emergency fund

come to us first

Come to us FIRST…we’ll always try and find a way to SAY YES.


come to us first

two weeks until christmas

TWO WEEKS until Christmas!  A gentle reminder about our NEW Christmas opening hours!

two weeks until christmas

christmas jumper day 2023

It’s Christmas Jumper Day! Our team are helping “kids in the UK and around the world get the best future ever” today by supporting Save the Children!

christmas jumper day 2023

partner and children joining

I’m not married. Can my PARTNER and CHILDREN become Harp and Crown Credit Union members?

partner and children joining

the wagglers sponsorship

Harp and Crown Credit Union were very humbled to receive such a high level of interest in sponsorship this year, this being the largest amount of sponsorship requested to date in their 25 years of operation.  

the wagglers sponsorship

christmas prize draw winners 2023

We can reveal our prize winners!


christmas prize draw winners 2023

loyal saver loan at christmas

NEED some extra funds coming up to Christmas? BUT don’t want to withdraw more of your SAVINGS?

loyal saver loan at christmas

playing the long game

Play the long game and support YOUR Credit Union...

playing the long game

antrim station visit

HUGE THANK YOU to Paul McCrossan for helping organise our visit to Antrim Police Station yesterday!


antrim station visit

digital but human

We love this quote from the recent ILCU Conference, it really sums up the essence of CREDIT UNIONS!

digital but human

gift your family

The BEST Christmas gift you could GIVE YOUR FAMILY this Christmas!

gift your family

dec 23 gazette online

Members!  Are you signed up to our mailing list?  Check your email for exclusive access to the December Police Gazette! 

dec 23 gazette online

about our credit union

Not sure what a CREDIT UNION is?  And who exactly is our COMMON BOND?

about our credit union

no more credit cards

Are your CREDIT CARD bills soaring? With the potential to get worse on the lead up to Christmas…

no more credit cards

engaged at christmas

Happy Christmas Eve! Are YOU or a family member planning an engagement this festive season?

engaged at christmas

loan top up at xmas

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us?

loan top up at xmas

2023 dividend total

In 2023 we paid out a grand total DIVIDEND of £892,000 to Harp & Crown Credit Union members! 

2023 dividend total

total loan rebate 2023

In 2023, we paid out a total of £76,000 in LOAN INTEREST REBATE to our borrowers!


total loan rebate 2023

community outreach 2023

At the Harp and Crown Credit Union we are very humbled to have been in the position to support several fantastic local charities and community organisations.

community outreach 2023

junior savers comp

Harp and Crown Credit Union Parents, Guardians & Grandparents! 

junior savers comp

why apply for a credit union loan

Why apply for a credit union loan?

why apply for a credit union loan

testimonial tuesday mel

Mel applied for a FIRST TIME LOAN and funds were transferred that same day.


testimonial tuesday mel

family accounts 2024

January is Financial Wellness Month…


family accounts 2024

emergency fund 2024

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

emergency fund 2024

beneficiary update 2024

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

beneficiary update 2024

reasons to join a credit union

Here’s your New Year reminder to check out your local credit union!

reasons to join a credit union

debt consolidation 2024

We’ll always try our best to HELP YOU reduce any high interest debt and STOP you sinking into further debt.

debt consolidation 2024

station visits 2024

Would YOU and your colleagues/family love to JOIN Harp and Crown Credit Union? BUT can’t come to Belfast* to see us?  

station visits 2024

ceo siobhan 4 years

“A leader can be defined as somebody who creates a vision that inspires people to follow that vision and move forward towards achieving it.”

ceo siobhan 4 years

car insurance up

With CAR INSURANCE premiums at an all-time high for Northern Ireland drivers...


car insurance up

free life cover paid out 2023

We paid out almost £90,000 to Harp and Crown CU members’ LOVED ONES in 2023. 

free life cover paid out 2023

flashback to office jan 23

Hard to believe this was a year ago! Our new office was pretty much a building site!


flashback to office jan 23

junior saver faqs

Did you know? Once YOUR Junior turns 16 years, their account becomes a regular savings account?


junior saver faqs

use your credit union not your credit card

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out from Christmas spends?


use your credit union not your credit card

brew monday

We’re ditching BLUE MONDAY and celebrating BREW MONDAY instead today!


brew monday

first time loan 18 years

Does YOUR child aged 18+ have a Harp and Crown CU account? Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?  

first time loan 18 years

testimonial tues adrian

You’re welcome Adrian!


testimonial tues adrian

save from payroll 2024

As a serving member of the PSNI, we can organise your savings deposit to come straight from your monthly payroll.  

save from payroll 2024

seapark visit

THANK YOU to all who helped organise our visit to the Seapark facility today!


seapark visit

jan finances poll

January Finances Poll - the results are in!


jan finances poll

winter savings tips

Take time out TODAY to review YOUR finances.


winter savings tips

february budgeting

January finances didn’t quite go to plan?  It’s NEVER too late to start MANAGING YOUR BUDGET more effectively.

february budgeting

new year survey

COMPLETE our New Year 2024 MEMBERS only SURVEY for a chance to WIN a share of £125!

new year survey

credit union loans same day

Around 95% of our CREDIT UNION LOAN applications are approved and issued on the same day.

credit union loans same day

siobhan ceo social enterprise podcast

We’ve been keeping this one under wraps for a while…

siobhan ceo social enterprise podcast

police gazette jan feb online

Exclusive to YOU our "Members Only" Mailing List Subscribers!

police gazette jan feb online

feb payroll deadline

Serving PSNI Officer or Police Staff?


feb payroll deadline

credit union loan vs pcp and hp finance

Changing your car soon? Not sure whether to buy NEW, second hand or go down the HP or PCP route?

credit union loan vs pcp and hp finance

cut back on coffee and save

How much could YOU save on Coffee Takeaways?

cut back on coffee and save

storm damage costs

Did the recent storms (Storm Isha and Storm Jocelyn!) impact on your home, business and property?

storm damage costs

save extra in 2024

What are YOUR plans in 2024?  Whether they're big or small projects, just think of what you could save or borrow by putting a little extra into your CREDIT UNION account each month!

save extra in 2024

five ways to financial declutter

How are your New Year’s resolutions going so far in 2024? Perhaps you've started to declutter your home?  But what about "financially decluttering" to stay on top of your financial wellbeing? 

five ways to financial declutter

member survey feedback 2024

THANK YOU! We really appreciate this feedback!

member survey feedback 2024


When you open an account with Harp and Crown Credit Union, you name a "Beneficiary".  In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.


first time loan car

Harp and Crown Credit Union member Jenny applied for a FIRST TIME LOAN at our competitive interest rate of 5.5% APR.

first time loan car

time to talk

It’s #TimeToTalk Day. Talking about mental health isn’t easy. “But a conversation has the power to change lives.” Mind

time to talk

retirement and commutation

Nigel, our Senior Loans and Member Services Officer had this to say on the matter:


retirement and commutation

junior art winners

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of our JUNIOR Colouring In COMPETITION!

junior art winners

save up to thirty thousand pounds

Following our AGM in December, we announced an INCREASE in the Harp and Crown Credit Union member share holdings (savings limit).

save up to thirty thousand pounds

home improvement 2024

Our recent member survey shows that 27% of Harp & Crown CU members who BORROW do so for HOME IMPROVEMENT reasons!

home improvement 2024

survey feedback member monday

THANK YOU so much Harp and Crown CU members for all the feedback so far!

survey feedback member monday

family accounts avail

“POLICE FAMILY” in Northern Ireland!  Why not START NOW and make 2024 the year you invest in a HEALTHIER financial future for YOU and YOUR family!

family accounts avail

survey winners feb 24

THANK YOU to the HUNDREDS of you who took the time to complete our latest MEMBER SURVEY!

survey winners feb 24

fit feb comp

It’s Fit February and we’ve teamed up with our friends at Newforge Sports Complex to give away a Newforge Fitness package worth over £100!

fit feb comp

spouse account

Why not treat your SPOUSE to a CREDIT UNION account this Valentine’s Day!

spouse account

childrens mental health week 2024

It’s Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week (5-11 February) and the theme is "My Voice Matters".


childrens mental health week 2024

holiday costs 2024

Our latest survey shows that HOLIDAYS are IMPORTANT to our members!  39% of you cited TRAVEL as one of your main interests outside of work.

holiday costs 2024

savings protected with loyal saver loan

Need to cover the cost of a new car or emergency car repairs?  Home Improvement? A well earned holiday.  Or perhaps you or a loved one have forthcoming wedding costs to manage?

savings protected with loyal saver loan

credit union common bond 2024

Not sure what a CREDIT UNION is?  AND who exactly is our COMMON BOND?

credit union common bond 2024

valentines engagement 2024

Organising a wedding is costly so make sure you are prepared!

valentines engagement 2024

member mon junior

It’s mid term break and we have JUNIOR ACCOUNTS on our mind! Thanks to one of our members for this fantastic survey feedback!

member mon junior

psni rfc sponsorship 2024

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm their continued sponsorship of the PSNI Rugby Football Club in 2024.

psni rfc sponsorship 2024

junior savers up

GREAT NEWS!  Our January 2024 figures show we have around 16% more JUNIOR Savers at the Harp and Crown Credit Union compared to January last year!

junior savers up

how much your junior could save

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Why not start NOW and help plan a healthier financial future for them!

how much your junior could save

top up loan feb 24

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us?  Need some help with unforeseen costs this February?

top up loan feb 24

making a lodgement

“How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?"


making a lodgement

pancake day 2024

We’re “sharing the love” ahead of Valentine’s Day…supporting local business for Pancake Day!

pancake day 2024

honeymoon costs

Did you or a family member just get engaged? 

honeymoon costs

testimonial tues survey

THANK YOU for this recent Member Survey feedback! And for your loyalty to the Harp and Crown Credit Union!

testimonial tues survey

retirement and free life cover

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

retirement and free life cover

belfast harbour police visit

We absolutely LOVED visiting the Belfast Harbour Police yesterday and in such a beautiful setting!

belfast harbour police visit

loyal saver loan

Need help with a new car or car repairs? Home improvement? Engagement/wedding? Holiday? Or more?

loyal saver loan

keeping up with the joneses

Or are you trying to “keep up with the Joneses”??

keeping up with the joneses

first time loan feb 24

A huge welcome to our new members! Thank you for choosing us as your No 1 credit union! 

first time loan feb 24

world book day teaser

Thanks to Jo from local business Paperback Down for calling in with us this morning!

world book day teaser

happy leap day 2024

Did you know all these facts about Leap Day? And are you planning for the arrival of a Leap Day (or Leap Year) baby?  Let us help you financially prepare!

happy leap day 2024

newtownabbey police visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union were out and about again this week!

newtownabbey police visit

employee appreciation day 2024

Happy Employee Appreciation Day!

employee appreciation day 2024

haccu support psni psuk match

Continuing our support of health and wellbeing within the wider Police Family, Harp and Crown Credit Union were delighted to be able to support PSNI as they took on North Wales Police at the Police Sport UK Open Age football tournament yesterday.

haccu support psni psuk match

haccu saving benefits

We are delighted to welcome so many new members on board over the last few months.  

haccu saving benefits

purchasing a home in 2024

Planning a house move or first time home purchase this year? Here's what you need to know...

purchasing a home in 2024

testimonial tues survey mar

"Excellent fast friendly service. Couldn’t ask for better. So glad my wife and I joined. Should have joined sooner!!"

testimonial tues survey mar

staff training 14 mar

IMPORTANT MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENT! Our Loans and member services team will be undergoing some training on Thursday 14th March.

staff training 14 mar

world book day 24

It's World Book Day on Thursday 7th March! And with 27% of Harp and Crown Credit Union members surveyed recently, choosing READING as one of their main interests outside of work...we thought a bookish treat would be in order! We’ve teamed up with local County Down business Paperback Down to give away 4 book packages, all including fabulous local treats. 

world book day 24


“How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?


credit union not car finance

Are you missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR PURCHASES and car finance?

credit union not car finance

womens day 2024

Happy International Women’s Day from the Harp and Crown CU ladies!

womens day 2024

office closed 18 mar

A gentle reminder...our next office closure is coming up soon - Monday 18th March 2024 (St Patrick's Day closure).

office closed 18 mar

first time loan march 24

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

first time loan march 24

loyal saver loan march 24

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

loyal saver loan march 24

retiring free life cover

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

retiring free life cover

free life cover apr 24

What does this mean?

free life cover apr 24

update beneficiary mar 24

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

update beneficiary mar 24

credit union not credit card mar 24

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

credit union not credit card mar 24

Family who can join mar 24

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

Family who can join mar 24

family accounts mar 24

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

family accounts mar 24

make a lodgement mar 24

"How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

make a lodgement mar 24

savings junior apr 24

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  With the kids off school for the Easter break, why not start NOW and help plan a healthier financial future for them!

savings junior apr 24

coleraine station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union visited the North Coast today!

coleraine station visit

testimonial tues sean

Sean had his “home improvement loan” application approved and funds transferred to his account…all on the same day!

testimonial tues sean

meet the team nikki

Throughout Women’s History Month we’re celebrating the ladies of the Harp and Crown Credit Union!  First up is Nikki our Business Support Assistant who joined us in October 2023. 

meet the team nikki

meet the team hannah

Throughout Women’s History Month we’re celebrating the ladies of the Harp and Crown Credit Union! Introducing Hannah our Digital Marketing Assistant who joined us in September!

meet the team hannah

testimonial tues marion

Marion applied for a “TOP UP” of her loan.  Her application was approved and funds transferred to her account…all on the same day!

testimonial tues marion

car first time loan

Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?

Perhaps they NEED a CAR for college or university? Or work?

car first time loan

fam who can join

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

fam who can join

family accounts apr 24

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

family accounts apr 24

first loan apr 24

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

first loan apr 24

retirement life cover

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

retirement life cover

cu not cc apr 24

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

cu not cc apr 24

who exactly can join family acc

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

who exactly can join family acc

easter prize draw 2024

Dear members…THANK YOU for your support and loyalty to the Harp and Crown Credit Union!

easter prize draw 2024

debt awareness week 24

This Debt Awareness Week, we’re supporting debt help charity StepChange by raising awareness of this huge issue.  “Debt can happen to anyone.”

debt awareness week 24

police family visits

Some highlights from our recent visits to police stations & police family organisations across Northern Ireland!

police family visits

meet the team dolores

Throughout Women’s History Month we’re celebrating the ladies of the Harp and Crown Credit Union!  Dolores is our Administrator and has been with the Harp and Crown Credit Union since 2019.

meet the team dolores

testimonial tuesday jeanette

Jeanette contacted us to request a transfer of funds from her savings account - funds were transferred to her nominated bank account that same day!


testimonial tuesday jeanette

meet the team judith

Throughout Women’s History Month we’ve been celebrating the ladies of the Harp and Crown Credit Union! 

meet the team judith

easter sunday 2024

Wishing you and your families a peaceful and safe Easter.  Harp and Crown Credit Union

easter sunday 2024

clocks forward 24

Don't forget the clocks "spring forward" by an hour this evening.  The lighter evenings and mornings are upon us, time for a spring clean!  And that includes your finances! 

clocks forward 24

easter prize draw winner 24

CONGRATULATIONS to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Tim Hedgley!

easter prize draw winner 24

meet the team siobhan

It’s the LAST DAY of Women’s History Month and we wanted to finish the month off celebrating our fantastic CEO, Siobhan!

meet the team siobhan

car first loan

Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?  Perhaps they NEED a CAR for college or university? Or work?

car first loan

loyal saver apr 24

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

loyal saver apr 24

life cover is free

What does this mean?

life cover is free

family members 24

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

family members 24

saver junior 24

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Why not start NOW and help plan a healthier financial future for them!

saver junior 24

family can join

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

family can join

how to deposit

"How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

how to deposit

cu not car finance

Are you missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR PURCHASES and car finance?

cu not car finance

1st loan 24

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

1st loan 24

inflation falling

Inflation, the rate at which prices rise over time, has been slowly falling. In October 2022 the UK hit its highest rate in 40 years at 11.1%.

inflation falling

soccer school coach rhys denton

The Alan McDonald Soccer School of Excellence sponsored by Harp and Crown Credit Union Limited are happy to announce:


soccer school coach rhys denton

financial literacy month tips

It's National Financial Literacy Month and we want you to consider YOUR current financial situation...

financial literacy month tips

police retirement pension

Did you know as a Police Officer…if you joined before April 2016…you were contracted out of the State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme?

police retirement pension

national pet month

Do you have a furry friend in the family?  April is National Pet Month which aims to encourage people to look after their pets responsibly while also highlighting the benefits of pets in people’s lives.  But how much does it all cost you?

national pet month

testimonial tues davy

Davy was able to access his savings QUICKLY to sort car repairs! 

testimonial tues davy

soccer school coach josh dutton-black

Soccer School Coach Announcement!

soccer school coach josh dutton-black

brooklyn hq visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union visited PSNI Headquarters (Brooklyn HQ) this week!

brooklyn hq visit

beneficiary update apr 24

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

beneficiary update apr 24

travel in 2024

Our latest survey showed us that TRAVEL is IMPORTANT to our members! 39% of you cited TRAVEL as one of your main interests! Here’s what you need to know if you’re planning a trip this year and how YOUR Credit Union can help you get there!

travel in 2024

soccer school coach dwight blackson


soccer school coach dwight blackson

getting ready for pay rise

In light of forthcoming pay increases for PSNI Officers and Staff....

getting ready for pay rise

member milestone

WOW! We have a GREAT news to share!

member milestone

spring saving tips

Why not take time out TODAY to review YOUR finances.

spring saving tips

all the best judith

BUT it’s not for too long.

all the best judith

nikki marathon birthday

Happy Birthday to Nikki our Business Support Assistant! 

nikki marathon birthday

financial literacy month juniors

It’s National Financial Literacy Month and we want to help “raise public awareness of the importance of financial literacy and maintaining smart money management habits”.

financial literacy month juniors

earth day 2024

On Earth Day (22nd April) we are supporting this global event to highlight the importance of protecting the environment.  What can YOU do to protect the environment and HOW could you SAVE some money in the process?

earth day 2024

soccer school chris brunt 2024

Ex participant, coach and ambassador…Northern Ireland Legend and ex West Brom player Chris Brunt…is encouraging YOU to register your 8-15 year old at this year’s Alan McDonald Soccer School!

soccer school chris brunt 2024

update beneficiary apr 24

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

update beneficiary apr 24

junior saver faqs may 24

Did you know? Once YOUR Junior turns 16 years, their account becomes a regular savings account?

junior saver faqs may 24

accounts fam 2024

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

accounts fam 2024

may bank hol 24

Please note the Harp and Crown office will be closed on May Bank Holiday Monday 6th May.

may bank hol 24

loan promo 24


loan promo 24

junior how much can u save 24

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

junior how much can u save 24

lodgement how to

“How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

lodgement how to

beneficiary needing updated

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

beneficiary needing updated

who can join in my family

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

who can join in my family

generic life cover free

What does this mean?

generic life cover free

not car finance use cu

Are you missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR PURCHASES and car finance?

not car finance use cu

stress awareness month

It’s Stress Awareness Month and the theme this year is “Little By Little, A Little Becomes A Lot.”

stress awareness month

downpatrick station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Downpatrick Police Station today!

downpatrick station visit

billy brown remembered

We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of our former Vice President, Billy Brown MBE.


billy brown remembered

17 million in loans

We made lots of BIG things happen during April!

17 million in loans

volunteer director opportunity

Are you a Member of Harp & Crown Credit Union? Do you have a professional background in either Human Resources, IT, or legal services?

volunteer director opportunity

summer loan promo wk 2

It's Week TWO of our big Summer Loan Promotion!

summer loan promo wk 2

summer loan promo eligibility

Are you eligible for our Summer Loan Promotion?

summer loan promo eligibility

summer loan promo final week

FINAL WEEK with 5 days to go....

summer loan promo final week

soccer school coach dylan kerr

The Alan McDonald Soccer School has announced that Dylan Kerr is one of the coaches this year!


soccer school coach dylan kerr

police station visits

Some highlights from our recent visits to police stations & police family organisations across Northern Ireland!

police station visits

how 5k could help you

Day 4 of our Summer Loan Promotion!

how 5k could help you

could 5k help you

Week TWO of our big Summer Loan Promotion!  Could £5,000 help YOU right now?
could 5k help you

cu vs banks 2024

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

cu vs banks 2024

save straight from payroll

As a serving member of the PSNI, we can organise your savings deposit to come straight from your monthly payroll

save straight from payroll

car 1st loan

Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?

car 1st loan

cu not cc may

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

cu not cc may

life cover free retire may

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

life cover free retire may

1st loan may

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

1st loan may

loyal saver flc loan

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

loyal saver flc loan

numeracy day 2024

If not don’t's National Numeracy Day on Wednesday 15th May and we are here to give you some pointers!

numeracy day 2024

borrow five times savings

Just one of our KEY BENEFITS at the Harp and Crown Credit Union, which differentiates us from banks and other credit unions!

borrow five times savings

family that can join cu

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

family that can join cu

how much u could save junior acc

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

how much u could save junior acc

psni cricket sponsorship 24

Harp and Crown Credit Union is proud to be able to support several police family organisations through sponsorship, in particular, police sport initiatives which promote health and wellbeing.

psni cricket sponsorship 24

deposit how to

“How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

deposit how to

life cover free generic

What does this mean?

life cover free generic

credit union not car finance may

Are you missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR PURCHASES and car finance?

credit union not car finance may

borrow 5x savings

Just one of our KEY BENEFITS at the Harp and Crown Credit Union, which differentiates us from banks and other credit unions!

borrow 5x savings

fam acc 2024

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

fam acc 2024

fred in focus

“After leaving school at the age of 16, I started my career in Policing by joining the RUC Cadet Corps in 1974, almost 50 years ago this year - this group of 51 being the first Cadets ever based in Northern Ireland.” 


fred in focus

volunteer director role

Are you a Member of Harp & Crown Credit Union? Do you have a professional background in either Human Resources or IT services?

volunteer director role

faqs junior saver 24

Did you know? Once YOUR Junior turns 16 years, their account becomes a regular savings account?

faqs junior saver 24

how much u could save jnr

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

how much u could save jnr

loyal saver loan with flc

Need help with a Private Health Procedure, New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

loyal saver loan with flc

need to update beneficiary

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

need to update beneficiary

1st time car loan

Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?

1st time car loan

who can join fam

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

who can join fam

try our loan calculator

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?

And in an ethical, flexible and affordable way? 

try our loan calculator

retire life cover

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

retire life cover

loan top up JUNE

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us? Need some help with forthcoming holiday costs? 

loan top up JUNE

1st time loan june

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

1st time loan june

cu as emergency fund

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

cu as emergency fund

cu dont use cc

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

cu dont use cc

top up ur loan

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us? 

top up ur loan

mental health awareness week 2024

We are proud to support several police family organisations through sponsorship, in particular, police sport initiatives which promote health and wellbeing!


mental health awareness week 2024

soccer school coach warren feeney

The Alan McDonald Soccer School of Excellence has made a big announcement this weekend!

soccer school coach warren feeney

testimonial tues kerry

Another happy Harp and Crown CU member walking away with a lower interest CREDIT UNION LOAN!

testimonial tues kerry

psni rfc v rotterdam win

PSNI RFC were on tour last week!

psni rfc v rotterdam win

emergency fund may 24

Do you use your Harp and Crown Credit union account as an EMERGENCY FUND?

emergency fund may 24

payroll direct debit amend

Do you need to AMEND your monthly PAYROLL or DIRECT DEBIT savings amount?  EASY!

payroll direct debit amend

direct debit payroll amend

Do you need to AMEND your monthly PAYROLL or DIRECT DEBIT savings amount?  EASY! 

direct debit payroll amend

follow on social media

Do you know we are on the following social media channels? (link to website Social Media | promotions | Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd)

follow on social media

soccer school coach maria

We’re counting down to the Alan McDonald Soccer School of Excellence, taking place at Newforge Complex this weekend!

soccer school coach maria

pfni conference 2024

Thanks to The Police Federation for Northern Ireland for inviting us to their Annual Conference!

pfni conference 2024

joining offer

A gentle reminder!

joining offer

thank you soccer school 2024

Congratulations to all the girls and boys taking part.


thank you soccer school 2024

volunteers week 2024

We just wanted to convey a HUGE thank you to our Board of Directors and business committee volunteers!

volunteers week 2024

testimonial tues kieran

Kieran is a serving officer and wanted to increase his monthly PAYROLL savings amount.

testimonial tues kieran

police rugby championship

Harp and Crown Credit Union were proud to sponsor Ireland Police Rugby at the 4 Nations International Police Rugby Championship today! 


police rugby championship

world environment day 24

Today is World Environment Day with a focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.

world environment day 24

lisburn station visit

A pleasure to speak with our police family at Lisburn Police Station yesterday!

lisburn station visit

why join a credit union

Why join a CREDIT UNION?

why join a credit union

membership up may

We saw BIG increases in May!

membership up may

belfast ryder cup

Harp and Crown Credit Union is proud to have been a sponsor of the Belfast Ryder Cup yesterday, supporting mental health in Northern Ireland.

belfast ryder cup

police college visit jun 24

We were privileged to meet PSNI Student Officers yesterday at the NI Police College!

police college visit jun 24

mens health week

International Men’s Health week is celebrated between 10th – 16th June and everyone is encouraged to focus on the health of the men around them as well as themselves.

mens health week

carers week

"Putting Carers on the Map."

carers week

police sport awards 2024

MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS to Beverley Esler winning “Club Person of the Year” at the Police Sport Awards last night in Newforge Sports Complex!

police sport awards 2024

learning disability week

It’s Learning Disability Week (17th-23rd June) and the theme is “Do you see me?”.

learning disability week

planning a holiday

Are you still planning a holiday for 2024? Here's what you need to know....

planning a holiday

james work experience

A big welcome to Antrim Grammar School student James Laverty!

james work experience

summer solstice

For all of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice occurs on the 20th June 2024.

summer solstice

armagh station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union are on tour…

armagh station visit

online banking changing

Over the coming weeks we will be migrating over to a NEW online platform. What does this mean for you?  

online banking changing

National make a difference to children month

It’s National Make a Difference to Children Month in July.  Harp and Crown CU Members are making a huge difference to the future of their JUNIORS!

National make a difference to children month

july bank hol deadlines

The Harp and Crown Credit Union office will be closed on Friday 12th and Monday 15th July for the Bank Holiday.

july bank hol deadlines

accounts family 24

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

accounts family 24

Faqs for junior accounts

Did you know? Once YOUR Junior turns 16 years, their account becomes a regular savings account?

Faqs for junior accounts

flc retirement

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

flc retirement

planning car purchase first loan

Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?

planning car purchase first loan

making deposit is easy

“How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

making deposit is easy

use cu and not cc

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

use cu and not cc

use cu as emergency fund

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

use cu as emergency fund

visits police

Would YOU and your colleagues/family love to JOIN Harp and Crown Credit Union? 

BUT can’t come to Belfast* to see us?  We’ll come to YOU! 

visits police

july bank hol faqs

We are closed today for the July Bank Holiday but will reopen again Tuesday at 9am.

july bank hol faqs

how much savings jnr

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

how much savings jnr

july 24 bank hol faqs

We are closed today for the July Bank Holiday but will reopen again Tuesday at 9am.

july 24 bank hol faqs

open again july

Good morning Harp and Crown Credit Union members!  Our office is now open.

open again july

remember update beneficiary

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

remember update beneficiary

fam that can join member

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member. Which of my family members can join?

fam that can join member

how to deposit jul

“How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

how to deposit jul

try the loan calculator

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?

And in an ethical, flexible and affordable way? 

try the loan calculator

use cu not pricey car finance

Are you missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR PURCHASES and car finance?

use cu not pricey car finance

junior account questions

Did you know? Once YOUR Junior turns 16 years, their account becomes a regular savings account?

junior account questions

first loan for first car

Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?

first loan for first car

why join cu

Why join a CREDIT UNION?

why join cu

loyal loan flc

Need help with a new car or car repairs? Home improvement? Engagement/wedding? Holiday? Or more?

loyal loan flc

follow our socials

Do you know we are on the following social media channels?

follow our socials

testimonial tues bob

Bob applied for a loan and his application was approved and funds transferred to his account…all on the same day!

testimonial tues bob

u need to update bene

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY will take sole responsibility of your Harp and Crown Credit Union account.  ARE YOUR BENEFICIARY DETAILS UP TO DATE?

u need to update bene

loyal saver flc loans

Need help with a new car or car repairs? Home improvement? Engagement/wedding? Holiday? Or more?

loyal saver flc loans

avoid expensive car finance use cu

Are you missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR PURCHASES and car finance?

avoid expensive car finance use cu

social media day 24

THANK YOU to everyone following us on World Social Media Day!

social media day 24

june highlights

Hello July!  Goodbye June!

june highlights

online banking offline


online banking offline

summer prize draw 24 soon

FREE for ALL existing HACCU members: Adult and Junior accounts are included! With prizes worth around £1000 in total!

summer prize draw 24 soon

letr sponsorship

We had the pleasure of meeting T/Chief Supt Amanda Ford this week!

letr sponsorship

summer prize draw 24 winners

Our Summer Prize Draw winners are revealed...

summer prize draw 24 winners

cu vs bank jul 24

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

cu vs bank jul 24

ards station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Newtownards Police Station!

ards station visit

online banking update 11 July 24


online banking update 11 July 24

generic flc message

What does this mean?

generic flc message

Fam accounts july

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

Fam accounts july

get loan 1st time

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

get loan 1st time

ways to improve credit score

Before asking for credit, check your credit score!  You can do this online via a credit reference agency.  Need to improve your credit score? 

ways to improve credit score

top up loan AUG

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us? Need some help with forthcoming holiday costs? 

top up loan AUG

loan calculator august

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?

loan calculator august

back to school finance

Kids BACK TO SCHOOL soon, but not quite organised?

back to school finance

ethical loans aug 24


ethical loans aug 24

education loan aug 24

Do you have a child or more than one child heading off to college or university soon? Or perhaps you’re planning for this big event in one, two or three years’+ time.  Are you ready for the financial investment which comes with your child studying away from home?

education loan aug 24

save for junior aug 24

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

save for junior aug 24

home improvement aug 24

Our recent member survey shows that 27% of Harp & Crown CU members who BORROW do so for HOME IMPROVEMENT reasons!

But just how much could your HOME RENOVATIONS cost this year?

home improvement aug 24

relaxation day 24

Happy National Relaxation Day!

relaxation day 24

gcse results day 24

Very best of luck to everyone receiving their GCSE results today! You’ve got this!

gcse results day 24

who in the fam can join

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can join?

who in the fam can join

police visits to stations

Would YOU and your colleagues/family love to JOIN Harp and Crown Credit Union? 


police visits to stations

a level results day 24

Very best of luck to everyone receiving their A Level and AS Level results today! You’ve got this!

a level results day 24

junior saving account q&a

Can I view my Junior's account online?

junior saving account q&a

follow us social media channels

Do you know we are on the following social media channels?

follow us social media channels

junior to adult what happens

We offer JUNIOR ACCOUNTS from BIRTH to 15 YEARS.  BUT…WHAT happens to YOUR JUNIOR’S account once they turn 16 YEARS??

junior to adult what happens

family account aug 24

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

family account aug 24

use cu as emergency fund aug 24

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

use cu as emergency fund aug 24

Happy National Dog Day!

It’s National Dog Day! AND we sure LOVE our dogs at the Harp and Crown CU!

Happy National Dog Day!

credit v bank aug 24

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

credit v bank aug 24

what is beneficiary aug 24

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY could RECEIVE up to a max £5K on TOP of YOUR SAVINGS.  Are YOUR BENEFICIARY details UP TO DATE?

what is beneficiary aug 24

new online banking next week

Members we have exciting NEWS!

new online banking next week

new online banking live

ATTENTION MEMBERS! Our NEW Online Banking facility is now LIVE! 


Please bear with us as we work through all online banking requests…we are literally dealing with hundreds of registration requests right now.


new online banking live

sprucefield station visit

Great to see so many of our existing members yesterday!  Lovely to see T/Chief Superintendent Amanda Ford, thanks for stopping by to chat with us. 

sprucefield station visit

digital want human need

We love this quote from ILCU and feel it’s never been a more important time to emphasise this to YOU our members!

digital want human need

belfast pride 2024

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is proud to support Belfast Pride and our LGBTQIA+ Police members!

belfast pride 2024

new online banking 30 july

We have all hands on deck working through your online banking requests…we are dealing with hundreds of registration requests right now (on top of our usual account queries).  We appreciate your patience.

new online banking 30 july

limavady station visit

A pleasure to speak with you all today about....

limavady station visit

july highlights

As we come to the end of July we are celebrating another SUPER month for Harp and Crown Credit Union!


july highlights

testimonial tues noel

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Noel for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!

testimonial tues noel

family fun day 24

What a FANTASTIC day we had at the recent "Police Family" Family Fun Day!

family fun day 24

musgrave station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Musgrave Police Station!

musgrave station visit

testimonial tues jackie

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Jackie for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!

testimonial tues jackie

enniskillen station visit

What a privilege to see such fantastic architecture and learn about the station’s history! 

enniskillen station visit

welcome psni students

A privilege to meet PSNI Student Officers this week at the NI Police College! 


welcome psni students

testimonial tues kenneth

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Kenneth for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!

testimonial tues kenneth

testimonial tues Sam

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Sam for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!

testimonial tues Sam

1st loan 18 first car

Does YOUR child aged 18+ have a Harp and Crown CU account?

1st loan 18 first car

use credit union not cc sept 24

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

use credit union not cc sept 24

sept 24 finance review

Hello September! And hello Autumn!

sept 24 finance review

dream holiday 25

As the end of 2024 fast approaches, it's time to start planning your dream holiday for 2025.

dream holiday 25

life cover for free generic

What does this mean?

life cover for free generic

what u need to know lodgement

"How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

what u need to know lodgement

key benefit borrow 5x

Just one of our KEY BENEFITS at the Harp and Crown Credit Union, which differentiates us from banks and other credit unions!

key benefit borrow 5x

emergency services day 24

Today is Emergency Services Day.

emergency services day 24

banks headline rate not what it seems

Hands up who got caught out with the BANK’S “HEADLINE” loan rate…

banks headline rate not what it seems

new members 1st time loan rate

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

new members 1st time loan rate

loan interest rebate reminder 24

In 2023, we paid out a total of £76,000 in LOAN INTEREST REBATE to our borrowers!

loan interest rebate reminder 24

beneficiary update today

In the event of your death, your BENEFICIARY will take sole responsibility of your Harp and Crown Credit Union account.

beneficiary update today

cu as emergency fund sept 24

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

cu as emergency fund sept 24

family accounts sept 24

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

family accounts sept 24

cu vs banks sept 24

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

cu vs banks sept 24

mindfulness day 2024

At Harp and Crown Credit Union we acknowledge the importance of taking care of both your financial and mental wellbeing.

mindfulness day 2024

faqs - junior accounts 24

Can I view my Junior's account online?

faqs - junior accounts 24

Christmas opening hrs 24

3 months until Christmas! We thought it would be perfect timing to let you know about our Christmas opening hours!

Christmas opening hrs 24

cu v banks ethical


cu v banks ethical

lowest interest rate loan

Need help with New Car/Car Repairs, Home Improvement, Engagement/Wedding or Holiday costs?

lowest interest rate loan

loan calculator sept 24

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?  And in an ethical, flexible and affordable way?

loan calculator sept 24

follow us on all our socials now!

Do you know we are on the following social media channels?

follow us on all our socials now!

q fam who can join

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can join?

q fam who can join

wedding planning 25

With “wedding season” and September ending soon, you may have already attended a family or friend’s wedding!  Or perhaps you’re planning for a 2025 wedding?

wedding planning 25

world beard day

Today is World Beard Day.  At Harp and Crown, we recognise the dedication and care it takes to grow and maintain a significant beard, qualities that mirror our commitment to serving you with excellence!

world beard day

testimonial tues caron

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Caron for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!

testimonial tues caron

junior accounts generic

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

junior accounts generic

bangor station visit

WELCOME to our NEW members from Bangor Police Station!

bangor station visit

amending dd or payroll

Do you need to AMEND your monthly PAYROLL or DIRECT DEBIT savings amount?  EASY! 

amending dd or payroll

suicide prevention 24

This World Suicide Prevention Day, Harp and Crown Credit Union stands with TAMHI (Tackling Awareness of Mental Health Issues) to raise awareness of positive mental health through sport and play.  We were humbled to be able to sponsor a hole at the charity’s Belfast Ryder Cup earlier this year, helping support mental health in Northern Ireland.

suicide prevention 24

uk savings week 24

This savings week Harp and Crown Credit Union wants to help you make the most of your money.

uk savings week 24

first day of autumn 24

Today officially marks the first day of Autumn…the Autumn Equinox!

first day of autumn 24

dividend 2023

In 2023 we paid out a grand total DIVIDEND of £892,000 to Harp & Crown Credit Union members! 

dividend 2023

new online banking benefits withdrawal

Which facilities are currently available within our NEW online banking platform?

new online banking benefits withdrawal

august 24 highlight EXCEEDED our expectations! Thanks to our valued members for another positive month at Harp and Crown Credit Union!

august 24 highlight

charity day 24

Last year we donated over £3,000 to local and national charities...

charity day 24

belfast harbour police visit sept

A pleasure to speak with you all today about our special FIRST TIME LOAN (5.5% APR) for NEW members AND our…

belfast harbour police visit sept

rucgc foundation donation

Harp and Crown Credit Union donate £1,000 to the Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation.

rucgc foundation donation

testimonial tues Carolyn

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Carolyn for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!

testimonial tues Carolyn

brooke house charity donation

Harp and Crown Credit Union donate £1,000 to Brooke House Health and Wellbeing Centre in County Fermanagh.

brooke house charity donation

strand road station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union made a big trip to The Maiden City yesterday!

strand road station visit

new online banking benefits loans

Which facilities are currently available within our NEW online banking platform?

new online banking benefits loans

new online banking benefits juniors

Which facilities are currently available within our NEW online banking platform?

new online banking benefits juniors

how much can u save juniors

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

how much can u save juniors

customer service week 24

It's National Customer Service Week!  At the Harp and Crown Credit Union we aim to deliver FIRST CLASS customer service to EACH of our members.

customer service week 24

70 member benefits 24

“I’m over 70, what are the BENEFITS of staying a member?”

70 member benefits 24

life cover oct 24

FREE LIFE COVER for Harp and Crown CU members up until 70 years of age!

life cover oct 24

mental health day 24

The theme for 2024, set by the World Foundation of Mental Health, is “it’s time to prioritise mental health in the workplace”.

mental health day 24

improve credit score oct 24

Before asking for credit, check your credit score!  You can do this online via a credit reference agency.  Need to improve your credit score? 

improve credit score oct 24

free wills month 24

Are you aged 55 or over and haven't yet written a will? You could be eligible to have your will written free of charge.

free wills month 24

generic junior accounts

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

generic junior accounts

dd and payroll deadlinesamend

Do you need to AMEND your monthly PAYROLL or DIRECT DEBIT savings amount?  EASY! 

dd and payroll deadlinesamend

new banking benefits loans

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

new banking benefits loans

cu not car finance oct 24

Are you missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR PURCHASES and car finance?

cu not car finance oct 24

fam members who can join hac

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can join?

fam members who can join hac

new banking benefits juniors

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

new banking benefits juniors

chose cu over a bank oct 24

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

chose cu over a bank oct 24

ethical loans oct 24


ethical loans oct 24

World Sustainability Day 2024

It's World Sustainability Day on the 30th October.  We've compiled FIVE ways to become more sustainable and care for the environment!

World Sustainability Day 2024

follow us across all socials

Do you know we are on the following social media channels?

follow us across all socials

savings for ur juniors

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

savings for ur juniors

1st loan welcome new members

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

1st loan welcome new members

seapark visit sept

Did you know? PSNI Staff and their families are ELIGIBLE to JOIN the Harp and Crown Credit Union?

seapark visit sept

letr ball reminder

Lovely to see T/Chief Supt Amanda Ford and the LETR volunteer team today!

letr ball reminder

psni cricket win

A huge congratulations is in order for PSNI Cricket Club who are celebrating a big win this year!  PSNI Cricket are the winners of the NCU Junior League 9 in 2024.

psni cricket win

ballymena station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union visited the City of the Seven Towers today!

ballymena station visit

loan for loyal savers

Need help with a new car or car repairs? Home improvement? Engagement/wedding? Holiday? Or more?

loan for loyal savers

notice re nominations for elections 2024


notice re nominations for elections 2024

new online banking benefits more soon

We’re adding to your NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING experience SOON!

new online banking benefits more soon

nirpoa coleraine visit

An absolute pleasure to present to the Northern Ireland Retired Police Officers Association (NIRPOA) North West Branch in Coleraine today.   


nirpoa coleraine visit

coleraine station visit sept

We visited our friends again this week in the North Coast!

coleraine station visit sept

ilcu foundation donation

Harp and Crown Credit Union donate £1,000 to the Irish League of Credit Unions International Development Foundation.

ilcu foundation donation

sept highlights

September marked the end of our financial year..and what a fantastic month to end with!

sept highlights

testimonial tues Chris

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Chris for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!  Which NOW includes an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility!

testimonial tues Chris

new app fast pay

You asked and we’ve delivered!

new app fast pay

digital when u want it

We appreciate that not everyone can or wants to access our services ONLINE or follow us on social media.

digital when u want it

world smile day 24

It’s World Smile Day and the theme of the day is “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.”

world smile day 24

testimonial tues online app

Thanks to this Harp and Crown Credit Union member for the fantastic feedback! 

testimonial tues online app

international CU day 24

Happy International Credit Union Day from the Harp and Crown Credit Union team!

international CU day 24

gentle reminder nominations 2024

A gentle reminder of our up and coming deadline of Friday 1st November 2024.

gentle reminder nominations 2024

testimonial tues nigel

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Nigel for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!  Which NOW includes an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility!

testimonial tues nigel

halloween loan calculator 24

Happy Halloween from the HACCU team!  Why not try our Loan Calculator today!  We have scarily low loan interest rates on offer!

halloween loan calculator 24

beneficiary details need updated Nov

WHY must your BENEFICIARY be up to date?

beneficiary details need updated Nov

share withdrawal online benefits

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

share withdrawal online benefits

Retiring this year remember free life cover

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

Retiring this year remember free life cover

talk money week savings

It's Talk Money Week and we encourage you to #DoOneThing

talk money week savings

talk money week debt advice

“Debt can happen to anyone.” We’re helping raise awareness of debt this week.  “Prevention is better than cure”, especially when it comes to debt.

talk money week debt advice

national stress awareness day 24

It’s National Stress Awareness Day and we can’t emphasise enough how important it is to reduce stress and look after your mental health and well-being. Our members fulfil various roles within the police community, all with their own stress factors.

national stress awareness day 24

loan application online benefits

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?  AND a NEW user-friendly LOAN APPLICATION process?

loan application online benefits

talk money week financial health

It's Talk Money Week and we want you to consider YOUR current financial situation...

talk money week financial health

exactly who can join family

I’m a Harp and Crown Credit Union member.  Who exactly in MY family can join?

exactly who can join family

world kindness day 24

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

world kindness day 24

junior 16 what next

We offer JUNIOR ACCOUNTS from BIRTH to 15 YEARS.  BUT…WHAT happens to YOUR JUNIOR’S account once they turn 16 YEARS??

junior 16 what next

why cu vs banks

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

why cu vs banks

human when u need it

We appreciate that not everyone can or wants to access our services ONLINE or follow us on social media.

human when u need it

welcome 1st time loan

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

welcome 1st time loan

social enterprise day 24

It’s Social Enterprise Day and we want to congratulate all the social enterprises making a HUGE impact SOCIALLY and LOCALLY! Did you know?

social enterprise day 24

welcome new psni student officers oct

A privilege to meet PSNI Student Officers this week at the NI Police College! 

welcome new psni student officers oct

ethical loan cu v bank


ethical loan cu v bank

dd and payroll how & when to amend

Do you need to AMEND your monthly PAYROLL or DIRECT DEBIT savings amount?  EASY! 

dd and payroll how & when to amend

add us on social media

Do you know we are on the following social media channels?

add us on social media

1 month to christmas

ONE month until Christmas!  A gentle reminder about our Christmas opening hours!

1 month to christmas

cu not credit card nov 24

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

cu not credit card nov 24

black friday 2024

Don’t get caught out with the Black Friday Sales!

black friday 2024

cu as emergency fund nov 24

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

cu as emergency fund nov 24

help us get 10,000 active members

Help us get to 10,000 active members for a chance to WIN £100 into your Harp and Crown Credit Union account! 

help us get 10,000 active members

strategy day 2024

Last week Harp and Crown Credit Union hosted their annual strategy and staff development day.


strategy day 2024

new loan product coming soon

Whether you are an existing borrower or have never taken out a loan at Harp and Crown Credit Union…


new loan product coming soon

International Mens Day 2024

Happy International Men’s Day to our members!

International Mens Day 2024

oct highlights 24

What a fantastic start to our new financial year!

oct highlights 24

maydown police visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union headed North West with their roadshow today…

maydown police visit

agm 2024


agm 2024

omagh station visit

Harp and Crown Credit Union were on the road again today!

omagh station visit

10000 active members

We’ve only gone and done it!!

10000 active members

testimonial tues jim 24

Jim applied for a loan to change his car and his application was approved and funds transferred to his account…all on the same day!

testimonial tues jim 24

giving tuesday 2024

It’s #GivingTuesday and we want to encourage as many of you as possible to “pay it forward” today!  

giving tuesday 2024

international volunteer day 2024

A BIG WELCOME to our NEW Directors who were appointed at our AGM on Friday 29th November 2024.

international volunteer day 2024

small business saturday 2024

Small Business Saturday UK is a nationwide campaign which takes place on the first Saturday in December each year. 

small business saturday 2024

testimonial tues david 24

Thanks to Harp & Crown Credit Union member David for this fantastic feedback!

testimonial tues david 24

healthy financial future in 2025

The BEST Christmas gift you could GIVE FAMILY this Christmas!

healthy financial future in 2025

closed for christmas 2024

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is now closed for the Christmas break (2pm closure).

closed for christmas 2024

police college visit nov 24

A privilege to meet PSNI Student Officers this week at the NI Police College! 

police college visit nov 24

access junior account online for the first time

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?  

access junior account online for the first time

caravan site fees flexi-loan

Why not SPREAD THE COST of your caravan site fees with our NEW FLEXI-LOAN!

caravan site fees flexi-loan

testimonial tues andrea 24

Thanks to Harp & Crown Credit Union members Andrea and Jim for this fantastic feedback!

testimonial tues andrea 24

cu vs banks ethical loans dec 24


cu vs banks ethical loans dec 24

new loan process online

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

new loan process online

share withdrawal online account

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility? 

share withdrawal online account

calculate next loan monthly payments

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?  And in an ethical, flexible and affordable way?

calculate next loan monthly payments

open family account dec 24

Members! Did you know?

open family account dec 24

new flexi-loan is here

Introducing our NEW Flexi-Loan!

new flexi-loan is here

christmas week open hrs 24

A gentle reminder of our Christmas week opening hours.

christmas week open hrs 24

flexi loan xmas costs

SPREAD THE COST this Christmas with our NEW FLEXI-LOAN!

flexi loan xmas costs

flexi loan car insurance

You could be missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR FINANCE?

flexi loan car insurance

top up loan xmas 24

Do you know how much is remaining on your loan with us?

top up loan xmas 24

testimonial tues margaret 24

Thanks to Harp & Crown Credit Union member Margaret for this fantastic feedback!

testimonial tues margaret 24

how to lodgements dec 24

"How can I make a LODGEMENT?” “AND what is the MAXIMUM deposit I can make per calendar month?”

how to lodgements dec 24

save for ur junior this xmas

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for this Christmas?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

save for ur junior this xmas

opening times for christmas week 24

A gentle reminder of our Christmas week opening hours.

opening times for christmas week 24

flexi loan prize reminder

If you haven't yet applied for our NEW FLEXI-LOAN remember...

flexi loan prize reminder

xmas prize draw 24 soon

Our Christmas Prize Draw for members returns soon! Worth around £3,000! With 1st place £1,000 in value!

xmas prize draw 24 soon

dividend rebate 2024 news

Following Harp and Crown Credit Union’s 26th Annual General Meeting, we are delighted to confirm…


dividend rebate 2024 news

xmas prize draw 1st reveal

For our 1ST PLACE PRIZE:  £1,000 in value, we're giving away...

xmas prize draw 1st reveal

steeple visit

Another visit to our police family this week!

steeple visit

xmas prize draw 1st junior reveal

Next up in our big £3,000 Christmas Prize Draw “prize reveal” is our 1st place JUNIOR prize which is £250 in value!

xmas prize draw 1st junior reveal

new flexi loan dec 24

Introducing our NEW Flexi-Loan!

new flexi loan dec 24

digital when u want it jan 25

We appreciate that not everyone can or wants to access our services ONLINE or follow us on social media.

digital when u want it jan 25

nye office open hrs

Our next office closure is coming up soon - Wednesday 1st January 2025.

nye office open hrs

junior savers jan 2025

Can I view my Junior's account online?

junior savers jan 2025

payroll dd deadlines jan 2025

Do you need to AMEND your monthly PAYROLL or DIRECT DEBIT savings amount?  EASY! 

payroll dd deadlines jan 2025

open as normal jan 25

Good morning Harp and Crown Credit Union members! Our office is now open.

open as normal jan 25

flexi loan home insurance jan 25

Why not SPREAD THE COST of your home insurance with our NEW FLEXI-LOAN!

flexi loan home insurance jan 25

emergency fund jan 25

Do you use your Harp and Crown CU account as an EMERGENCY fund?

emergency fund jan 25

update beneficiary jan 25

WHY must your BENEFICIARY be up to date?

update beneficiary jan 25

car insurance jan 25

Is your car insurance renewal due soon?  You could be missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR FINANCE and INSURANCE COSTS.

car insurance jan 25

debt consolidation jan 25

We’ll always try our best to HELP YOU reduce any high interest debt and STOP you sinking into further debt.

debt consolidation jan 25

benefits junior accounts online now

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

benefits junior accounts online now

family accounts jan 25

“Police Family” in Northern Ireland.

family accounts jan 25

testimonial tues olive

Thanks to Harp & Crown Credit Union member Olive for this fantastic feedback!

testimonial tues olive

testimonial tues paul

Thanks to Harp & Crown Credit Union member Paul for this fantastic feedback!

testimonial tues paul

testimonial tues linda

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Linda for this fantastic feedback, having used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility to make a share withdrawal. Which NOW includes an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility!

testimonial tues linda

cu not cc jan 25

Is your CREDIT CARD nearly maxed out?

cu not cc jan 25

new loan process online benefits

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

new loan process online benefits

cu vs bank jan 25

There are MANY reasons to choose your credit union over a bank, whether that’s to avail of lower interest, ethical loans, save into an instant access emergency fund or the desire to belong to a community of likeminded savers and borrowers.

cu vs bank jan 25

first loan car jan 25

Are they planning their FIRST CAR PURCHASE?

first loan car jan 25

Energy saving week 25

Big Energy Saving Week is a national campaign in the UK that takes place during the third week of January.

Energy saving week 25

brew monday 2025

We’ve ditched BLUE MONDAY and are celebrating BREW MONDAY instead today!

brew monday 2025

share withdrawal online benefits jan 25

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

share withdrawal online benefits jan 25

borrow 5x savings jan 25

Just one of our KEY BENEFITS at the Harp and Crown Credit Union, which differentiates us from banks and other credit unions!

borrow 5x savings jan 25

cu loan vs pcp and hp finance

Changing your car soon? Not sure whether to buy NEW, second hand or go down the HP or PCP route?

cu loan vs pcp and hp finance

financially declutter 2025

How are your New Year’s resolutions going so far in 2025? Perhaps you've started to declutter your home?  But what about "financially decluttering" to stay on top of your financial wellbeing? 

financially declutter 2025

paid out life cover in 2024

We paid out almost £90,000 to Harp and Crown CU members’ LOVED ONES in 2024.

paid out life cover in 2024

junior saver feb 25

Do you have young children you could be SAVING for?  Helping plan a healthier financial future for them?

junior saver feb 25

police college visit dec 24

Our last visit to the NI Police College before Christmas!

police college visit dec 24

xmas prize draw 24 winners

We can officially reveal the WINNERS of our big £3,000 Christmas Prize Draw…


xmas prize draw 24 winners

it dream team

We are privileged to have all this mega talent on board to provide the best technological services possible for Harp and Crown Credit Union (HACCU) members.

it dream team

junior colouring comp 2025

Harp and Crown Credit Union Parents, Guardians & Grandparents!

junior colouring comp 2025

nca visit


nca visit

Welcome Organisation Donation

A pleasure to meet Kieran Hughes (Head of Fundraising and Marketing) of The Welcome Organisation this week!

Welcome Organisation Donation

2024 recap

2024 Highlights!  What a way to end the year!

2024 recap

driving lessons 2025

Is your junior learning to drive in the next couple of years?  Here are the potential costs and how YOUR credit union could help.

driving lessons 2025

lisburn station visit jan

We were back visiting our friends at Lisburn Police Station this week!

lisburn station visit jan

member survey 2025

Harp and Crown CU members!  Have YOUR say!


member survey 2025

testimonial tues helen 25

Thanks to Harp and Crown Credit Union member Helen for this fantastic feedback, having registered and used our NEW-IMPROVED ONLINE BANKING facility!  Which NOW includes an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility!

testimonial tues helen 25

children mental health week 2025

It’s Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week (3rd - 9th February) and the theme is "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself".

children mental health week 2025

feedback friday survey 17 jan

⭐️ FEEDBACK FRIDAY⭐️ THANK YOU to all of our members who have taken the time to complete our survey so far!

feedback friday survey 17 jan

feedback fri survey 31 jan

⭐️ FEEDBACK FRIDAY⭐️ THANK YOU to all of our members who have taken the time to complete our survey so far!

feedback fri survey 31 jan

feedback friday survey 24 jan

⭐️ FEEDBACK FRIDAY⭐️ THANK YOU to all of our members who have taken the time to complete our survey so far!

feedback friday survey 24 jan

survey feedback 2 feb

⭐️ Last chance to complete our survey!⭐️ THANK YOU to all of our members who have taken the time to complete our survey so far!

survey feedback 2 feb

loyal saver loan feb 25

Need help with a new car or car repairs? Home improvement? Engagement/wedding? Holiday? Or more?

loyal saver loan feb 25

time to talk day 2025

It’s #TimeToTalk Day. Talking about mental health isn’t easy. “But a conversation has the power to change lives.” 

time to talk day 2025

flexi loan for car insurance

Is your car insurance renewal due soon?  You could be missing out on LOWER INTEREST RATE LOANS? Especially when it comes to CAR FINANCE and INSURANCE COSTS.

flexi loan for car insurance

feedback fri survey 7 feb

⭐️ FEEDBACK FRIDAY⭐️ THANK YOU to all of our members who completed our survey!

feedback fri survey 7 feb

update beneficiary feb 25

WHY must your BENEFICIARY be up to date?

update beneficiary feb 25

deposits online feb 25

“Can I make a DEPOSIT ONLINE (in addition to my monthly payroll/direct debit)?” YES!

deposits online feb 25

common bond feb 25

What is a CREDIT UNION?  And who exactly is our COMMON BOND?

common bond feb 25

ipa haccu offer

Harp and Crown Credit Union are delighted to partner with the International Police Association (IPA) in their 75th year, to encourage registration in Northern Ireland and enjoy the IPA’s special 2025 membership rate of £10. 

ipa haccu offer

lego day comp

How would you like to WIN a Lego Package and treats worth over £30! 

lego day comp

lisnasharragh police visit jan

We were back visiting our friends at Lisnasharragh Police Station this week!

lisnasharragh police visit jan

mid term junior accounts 25

It’s the Half Term Holidays here in NI, and there is no better time to open a junior account. Why not bring them up to the Newforge Sports Complex “play park” and set their junior account up while you’re here!

mid term junior accounts 25

online banking juniors feb 25

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

online banking juniors feb 25

retirement benefits feb 25

Are you planning on retiring or leaving service soon?  Or have done so already?

retirement benefits feb 25

loan calculator feb 25

Need help financing a holiday, car, home improvement, credit card debt and more?  And in an ethical, flexible and affordable way?

loan calculator feb 25

testimonial tues feb 11

THANK YOU to all of our members who have took the time to complete our recent member survey.

testimonial tues feb 11

valentines spouse account 25

Why not treat your SPOUSE to a CREDIT UNION account this Valentine’s Day!

valentines spouse account 25

feedback fri survey 14 feb

⭐️ FEEDBACK FRIDAY⭐️ THANK YOU to all of our members who completed our survey!

feedback fri survey 14 feb

online banking loans feb 25

Have YOU contacted us to ACTIVATE your NEW-improved ONLINE BANKING platform yet? NOW with an APP and FASTER PAYMENTS facility?

online banking loans feb 25

retiring free life cover feb 25

Are you RETIRING this year? Not sure what to do with your COMMUTATION payment?

retiring free life cover feb 25

testimonial tues feb 18

THANK YOU to all of our members who have took the time to complete our recent member survey. 

testimonial tues feb 18

1st time loan feb 25

Did you know we have a 1ST TIME LOAN with a fantastic low interest rate of 5.5% APR? 

1st time loan feb 25

lodgement online feb 25

“Can I make a DEPOSIT ONLINE (in addition to my monthly payroll/direct debit)?” YES!

lodgement online feb 25

world radio day 25

Throwback to Harp and Crown on the radio for the first time!

world radio day 25

national love your pet day 25

National Love Your Pet Day is all about celebrating the joy our furry (and not so furry) friends bring into our lives! As well as the importance of appreciating your pets and promoting responsible pet ownership.

national love your pet day 25

flexi loan holidays

With holiday and flight PRICES INCREASING there’s no better time to secure your getaway than now!

flexi loan holidays

police college visit jan 25

Today the PSNI launched a recruitment campaign to encourage applications for Student Officers (from today) and Call Handlers (from Monday).

police college visit jan 25

pfni bravery awards

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is delighted to confirm a BRAND-NEW sponsorship in 2025.  They will be supporting the Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) Bravery and Excellence Awards this year.

pfni bravery awards

random acts of kindness 2025

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”

random acts of kindness 2025

first time loan jan 24

Welcome to our NEW members! 

first time loan jan 24

jan 25 highlights

What a start to the year!


jan 25 highlights

first loan haccu

You may have never needed to take a loan out until this point.  Given the recent storm damage to property and homes Ireland wide, please remember YOUR Credit Union is here to help in an ethical and flexible way.  We are 'people helping people'.

first loan haccu

world cancer day 25

“A world with less cancer is a world with more birthdays. Go, Fight, Cure.” 


world cancer day 25

living wage employer

Harp and Crown Credit Union have just been accredited as a Living Wage Employer!

living wage employer

ruc gc foundation conference 25

An absolute pleasure to support and attend the RUC GC Foundation Annual Conference at Newforge Sports Complex and Event Hub yesterday.

ruc gc foundation conference 25

psni rfc 2025

The Harp and Crown Credit Union is celebrating another big milestone!

psni rfc 2025

We are the Harp and Crown Credit Union, providing safe, ethical and flexible financial services to the wider Police family in Northern Ireland since 1998

Harp and Crown Credit Union Ltd are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference Number (FRN) 577113. For details visit
regulator fca fcsc